2015 Prizes and Awards Luncheon
ICIAM 2015, Bejing, China
August 13, 2015
Prizes, awards, and special lectures are shown in alphabetical order after the two prize lectures.
The John von Neumann Lecture
The John von Neumann Lecture, SIAM’s flagship lecture, was established in 1959 and is awarded for outstanding and distinguished contributions to the field of applied mathematical sciences and for the effective communication of these ideas to the community. The prize is awarded and the lecture given every year, usually at the SIAM Annual Meeting.
2015 Lecturer:
Jennifer Tour Chayes
Microsoft Research New England and Microsoft Research New York CityTitle of Lecture:
Once upon a graph: How to get from now to then in massive networks
Wednesday, August 12, 7:00pm � 8:00pm
Citation: The 2015 John von Neumann Lecture prize is awarded to Jennifer Tour Chayes in recognition of her leadership in the research community, as well as her seminal contributions to the study of phase transition in both mathematical physics and the theory of computing. As co-founder, Managing Director and Distinguished Scientist at Microsoft Research New England and Microsoft Research New York City, she has gone on to tackle network models, social science and algorithmic game theory; through her multiple leadership roles, she continues to inspire courage and innovation in others.
Jennifer Tour Chayes is Distinguished Scientist and Managing Director of Microsoft Research New England in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which she co-founded in 2008, and Microsoft Research New York City, which she co-founded in 2012. Before joining Microsoft in 1997, she was for many years Professor of Mathematics at UCLA. Chayes is the author of over 135 academic papers, the inventor of over 30 patents. Her research areas include phase transitions in discrete mathematics and computer science, structural and dynamical properties of self-engineered networks, graph algorithms, algorithmic game theory, and computational biology.
Chayes received her B.A. in biology and physics at Wesleyan University, where she graduated first in her class, and her Ph.D. in mathematical physics at Princeton. She did her postdoctoral work in the Mathematics and Physics Departments at Harvard and Cornell. She is the recipient of an NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship, a Sloan Fellowship, and the UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award. Chayes has been the recipient of many leadership awards including the Leadership Award of Women Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology, the Women Who Lead Award, and the Women of Leadership Vision Award of the Anita Borg Institute. She has twice been a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. She is a Fellow of the AAAS, ACM, AMS, and the Fields Institute, and an Elected Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Previous von Neumann Lecturers:
- 1960 Lars Valerian Ahlfors
- 1961 Mark Kac
- 1962 Jean Leray
- 1963 Stanislaw M. Ulam
- 1964 Solomon Lefschetz
- 1965 Freeman J. Dyson
- 1966 Eugene P. Wigner
- 1967 Chia-Chiao Lin
- 1968 Peter D. Lax
- 1969 George F. Carrier
- 1970 James H. Wilkinson
- 1971 Paul A. Samuelson
- 1974 Jule Charney
- 1975 Sir James Lighthill
- 1976 Rene Thom
- 1977 Kenneth J. Arrow
- 1978 Peter Henrici
- 1979 Kurt O. Friedrichs
- 1980 Keith Stewartson
- 1981 Garrett Birkhoff
- 1982 David Slepian
- 1983 Joseph B. Keller
- 1984 Jurgen Moser
- 1985 John W. Tukey
- 1986 Jacques-Louis Lions
- 1987 Richard M. Karp
- 1988 Germund G. Dahlquist
- 1989 Stephen Smale
- 1990 Andrew J. Majda
- 1992 R. Tyrrell Rockafellar
- 1994 Martin D. Kruskal
- 1996 Carl de Boor
- 1997 William (Velvel) Kahan
- 1998 Olga Ladyzhenskaya
- 1999 Charles S. Peskin
- 2000 Persi W. Diaconis
- 2001 David L. Donoho
- 2002 Eric S. Lander
- 2003 Heinz-Otto Kreiss
- 2004 Alan C. Newell
- 2005 Jerrold E. Marsden
- 2006 George Papanicolaou
- 2007 Nancy Kopell
- 2008 David Gottlieb
- 2009 Franco Brezzi
- 2010 Bernd Sturmfels
- 2011 Ingrid Daubechies
- 2012 Sir John Ball
- 2013 Stanley J. Osher
- 2014 Leslie F. Greengard
The John von Neumann Lecturer receives an honorarium of $5,000 and a framed, hand-calligraphed certificate.
AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture
Established in 2002, the AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture is awarded annually at the SIAM Annual Meeting. The lecture is intended to highlight significant contributions of women to applied or computational mathematics.
2015 Lecturer:
Linda J. S. Allen
Texas Tech UniversityTitle of Lecture:
Predicting Population Extinction, Disease Outbreaks and Species Invasions Using Branching Processes
Thursday, August 13, 7:00pm � 8:00pm
Citation: The 2015 AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture is awarded to Linda J. S. Allen for outstanding contributions in ordinary differential equations, difference equations and stochastic models, with significant applications in the areas of infectious diseases and ecology.
Linda J. S. Allen is the Paul Whitfield Horn Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech University. She received her Ph.D. in 1981 from the University of Tennessee, where she held a Visiting Professorship in the Department of Mathematics the following year. From 1982 to 1985, she was Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. In 1985, she joined the faculty of Texas Tech University and quickly moved through the ranks. In 2010, Texas Tech recognized her extensive scientific contributions and her ground-breaking work on deterministic and stochastic models with a Paul Whitfield Horn Professorship. Since 1999, Allen has served as an adjunct professor at the Institute of Environmental and Human Health at Texas Tech. She has spent two spring terms (2006 and 2012) at the Mathematical Bioscience Institute (MBI) at The Ohio State University. Her contributions have impacted the field of mathematical epidemiology and ecological modeling.Previous Lecturers:
- Linda R. Petzold (2003)
- Joyce R. McLaughlin (2004)
- Ingrid Daubechies (2005)
- Irene Fonseca (2006)
- Lai-Sang Young (2007)
- Dianne O'Leary (2008)
- Andrea L. Bertozzi (2009)
- Suzanne Lenhart (2010)
- Susanne Brenner (2011)
- Barbara Lee Keyfitz (2012)
- Margaret Cheney (2013)
- Irene M. Gamba (2014)
The AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecturer receives a certificate signed by the Presidents of AWM and SIAM.
Peter Henrici Prize
The Peter Henrici Prize is awarded every four years jointly by ETH Zurich and SIAM for original contributions to applied analysis and numerical analysis and/or for exposition appropriate for applied mathematics and scientific computing. The award is intended to recognize broad and extended contributions to these subjects, more than a single outstanding work.
2015 Recipient:
Eitan Tadmor
University of MarylandTitle of Lecture:
Mathematical aspects of collective dynamics: consensus, the emergence of leaders and social hydrodynamics
Tuesday, August 11, 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Citation: The 2015 Peter Henrici Prize is awarded to Eitan Tadmor for his original, broad, and fundamental contributions to the applied and numerical analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications in areas such as fluid dynamics, image processing, and social dynamics.
Eitan Tadmor's scientific achievements have had a significant impact on the theory and computational methods for nonlinear hyperbolic PDEs, including the kinetic formulation of conservation laws, the design of non-oscillatory central schemes, entropy stable schemes, edge detection and spectral viscosity methods.Eitan Tadmor is a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland (UMD) at College Park and, since 2002, Director of the university’s Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling (CSCAMM). He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Tel Aviv University in 1979, and he began his scientific career as a Bateman Research Instructor at Caltech, 1980-1982. He held professorship positions from 1983 to 1998 at Tel Aviv University, where he chaired the Department of Applied Mathematics from 1991 to 1993, and from 1995 to 2004 at UCLA, where he was the founding co-director of the NSF Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) from 1999 to 2001. Since 2002, Tadmor has served on the faculty of the Department of Mathematics and the Institute for Physical Sciences and Technology (IPST) at UMD, where he was recently awarded as the PI of the NSF Research network KI-Net. Tadmor is well known for his contributions to the theory and computation of PDEs with diverse applications to shock waves, kinetic transport, incompressible flows, image processing, and self-organized collective dynamics. He is a Fellow of AMS.
Previous Recipients:
- Germund Dahlquist (1999)
- Ernst Hairer and Gerhard Wanner (2003)
- Gilbert Strang (2007)
- Bjorn Engquist (2011)
The recipient of the Peter Henrici Prize receives a cash award of $5,000 and a framed, hand-calligraphed certificate.
Ralph E. Kleinman Prize
Established in 1998, the Ralph E. Kleinman Prize is awarded to one individual for outstanding research, or other contributions, that bridge the gap between mathematics and applications. Work that uses high-level mathematics and/or invents new mathematical tools to solve applied problems from engineering, science, and technology is particularly appropriate. The value of the work will be measured by the quality of the mathematics and its impact on the application. Each prize may be given either for a single notable achievement or for a collection of such achievements.
2015 Recipient:
George Em Karniadakis
Brown University
Citation: The 2015 Ralph E. Kleinman Prize is awarded to George Em Karniadakis for his many outstanding contributions to Applied Mathematics in a broad range of areas, including computational fluid dynamics, spectral methods and stochastic modeling.
George Em Karniadakis is Charles Pitts Robinson and John Palmer Barstow Professor of Applied Mathematics at Brown University. He has been a Research Scientist at MIT’s Department of Ocean/Mechanical Engineering since 2000. He received his S.M. (1984) and Ph.D. (1987) from MIT. He was appointed Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT in 1987 and subsequently joined the Center for Turbulence Research at Stanford/NASA Ames Research Center. In 1988, he joined the faculty of Princeton University as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and as Associate Faculty in the Program of Applied and Computational Mathematics (PACM). Karniadakis moved to Brown University as Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Center for Fluid Mechanics in 1994, becoming full professor in 1996 and attaining his current title in 2013. Among his visiting professorships are terms at Peking University (Fall 2007 and 2013). He is a Fellow of SIAM, APS, ASME, and an Associated Fellow of AIAA. His research interests include diverse topics in computational science both on algorithms and applications. A main current thrust is stochastic simulation (in the context of uncertainty quantification and beyond), fractional PDEs, and multiscale modeling of physical and biological systems (especially the brain).Previous Recipients:
- Robert V. Kohn (1999)
- William W. Symes (2001)
- Graeme W. Milton (2003)
- Stanley Osher (2005)
- Salvatore Torquato (2007)
- Weinan E (2009)
- Gunther Uhlmann (2011)
- Anna C. Gilbert (2013)
The recipient of the Ralph E. Kleinman Prize receives a cash award of $5,000 and a framed, hand-calligraphed certificate.
George P�lya Prize for Mathematical Exposition
The George Pólya Prize for Mathematical Exposition, established in 2013, is awarded every two years to an outstanding expositor of the mathematical sciences. The prize may be awarded for a specific work or for the cumulative impact of multiple expository works that communicate mathematics effectively. The nature of the work may range from popular accounts of mathematics and mathematical discovery to pedagogy to systematic organization of mathematical knowledge. This is the first award of the prize.
2015 Recipient:
Gerhard Wanner
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Citation: The 2015 George Pólya Prize for Mathematical Exposition is awarded to Gerhard Wanner primarily for the five very readable books that he has co-authored. They display deep mathematics, presented with elegance, enthusiasm, wit, scholarship, and much history. These books have uniquely delineated numerical ODEs (especially stiff equations) and geometric integration and created an historical perspective for the teaching and understanding of analysis and geometry.
Gerhard Wanner began his long-lasting career in Geneva first as an invited professor in 1973, following this up as an associate professor 1974-1976 and becoming a full professor at the University of Geneva in 1976. He studied mathematics at the University of Innsbruck 1961-1965, concluding with a doctorate in 1965. He then held an assistant position at the University of Innsbruck 1965-1968, was an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin in Madison in 1968, and continued as a lecturer at the University of Innsbruck 1968-1973. Wanner was repeatedly president of the Section of Mathematics at the University of Geneva. He was subsequently secretary, vice-president and president of the Swiss Mathematical Society in the years 1994-1999. He received the Peter Henrici Prize jointly with Ernst Hairer in 2003.
The George Pólya Prize was established in 1969 as a quadrennial prize in combinatorics. It was extended in scope in 1992, following a generous bequest from the estate of Stella V. Pólya. It was extended to be given biennially alternately in two categories: (1) for a notable application of combinatorial theory; (2) for a notable contribution in another field of mathematics of interest to George Pólya (e.g., approximation theory, complex analysis, number theory, orthogonal polynomials, or probability theory.).
Previous Recipients of the George Pólya Prize:
- 1971 R. L. Graham, K. Leeb, B. L. Rothschild, A. W. Hales, R.I. Jewett
- 1975 R. P. Stanley, E. Szemerédi, R. M. Wilson
- 1979 L. Lovász
- 1983 A. Bjorner, P. Seymour
- 1987 A. C. Yao
- 1992 G. Kalai, S. Shelah
- 1994 Gregory Chudnovsky, Harry Kesten
- 1996 Jeffry Ned Kahn, David Reimer
- 1998 Percy Deift, Xin Zhou, Peter Sarnak
- 2000 Noga Alon
- 2002 Craig A. Tracy, Harold Widom
- 2004 Neil Robertson, Paul Seymour
- 2006 Gregory F. Lawler, Oded Schramm, Wendelin Werner
- 2008 Van H. Vu
- 2010 Emmanuel Candès, Terence Tao
- 2012 Vojtěch Rödl, Mathias Schacht
- 2014 Adam Marcus, Daniel A. Spielman, Nikhil Srivastava
In 2013, the George Pólya Prize for Mathematical Exposition was created to bring greater emphasis to Pólya’s legacy of communicating mathematics effectively. At the same time, the biennial prize was divided into two quadrennial prizes, the George Pólya Prize in Combinatorics (first award in 2016) and the George Pólya Prize in Mathematics (first award in 2014).
Recipients of the Pólya Prize for Mathematical Exposition receive an engraved medal and a cash award of $10,000.
SIAM Student Prizes
Recipients will present their papers at the 2016 SIAM Annual Meeting.
SIAM Award in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling
The SIAM Award in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), established in 1988, is awarded to two of the teams judged “Outstanding” in the annual MCM administered by COMAP. One winning team of students is chosen for each of the two problems posed in the MCM. Student recipients each receive a cash award of $500, a SIAM Student Travel Award, complimentary SIAM membership for three years, and a framed, hand-calligraphed certificate for the students’ school.
2015 Recipients:
Problem A, Continuous Problem: “Eradicating Ebola”
Solution: “A Battle without Gun and Smoke � The Confrontation with Ebola”
Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
Fangliang Dong, School of Electrical Engineering
Zhe Wang, School of Electrical Engineering
Daliang Xu, College of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Professor Qu GONG, College of Mathematics and StatisticsProblem B, The Discrete Problem: “Searching for a Lost Plane”
Solution: “Into the Void: A Probabilistic Approach to the Search for Missing Aircraft ”
University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado USA
Jordan Deitsch, Department of Physics
Matthew Ryan Hurst, Departments of Applied Mathematics and Aerospace Engineering
Nathan J. Yeo, Department of Applied Mathematics
Faculty Advisor: Professor Bengt Fornberg, Department of Applied Mathematics
SIAM Student Paper Prize
The SIAM Student Paper Prizes are awarded every year to the student authors of the most outstanding papers submitted to the SIAM Student Paper Competition. These awards are based solely on the merit and content of the students’ contribution to the submitted papers. The purpose of the SIAM Student Paper Prizes is to recognize outstanding scholarship by students in applied mathematics or computing. Student recipients each receive a cash award of $1000, a SIAM Student Travel Award, and a framed, hand-calligraphed certificate.
2015 Recipients:
Andrii Dmytryshyn, Umeå University, Sweden
“Coupled Sylvester-type Matrix Equations and Block Diagonalization”
Co-Author: Bo Kågström
Yura Malitsky, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
“Projected Reflected Gradient Methods for Monotone Variational Inequalities”
Giang Thi Tra Tran, University of California Los Angeles
“An L1 Penalty Method for General Obstacle Problems”
Co-Authors: Hayden Schaeffer, William M. Feldman, and Stanley Osher
SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession
The SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession, established in 1985, is awarded to an applied mathematician who has made distinguished contributions to the furtherance of applied mathematics on the national level.
2015 Recipient:
Carlos Castillo-Chavez
Arizona State University
Citation: The 2015 SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession is awarded to Carlos Castillo-Chavez for his extraordinary mentoring that has helped bring numerous underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students at all levels to the mathematical sciences; for his extensive research record in mathematical biology and epidemiology; for his distinguished service on numerous national committees and advisory boards at SIAM, the Mathematics Institutes, US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, and elsewhere; and for his lifelong commitment to successfully promoting diversity in our community.
Carlos Castillo-Chavez is a Regents Professor and Joaquin Bustoz Jr. Professor of Mathematical Biology at Arizona State University and Distinguished Sustainability Scientist at Arizona State University. Also at ASU, he is executive director of the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI), founding director of the Mathematical, Computational and Modeling Sciences Center (MCMSC), executive director of the Institute for Strengthening the Understanding of Mathematics and Science (SUMS), and Director of STEM Programs for Underrepresented Minorities at Arizona State University. Castillo-Chavez came to the United States from Mexico in 1974 and graduated from University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in 1976 with dual degrees in mathematics and Spanish literature. His M.S. in 1979 and his Ph.D. in 1984 were also conferred by the University of Wisconsin. Prior to moving to Arizona State University in 2004, he spent 18 years as a professor at Cornell University in the Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology. His research program is at the interface of the mathematical and natural and social sciences with emphasis on (i) the role of dynamic social landscapes in disease dispersal, (ii) the role of environmental and social structures on the dynamics of addiction and disease evolution, and (iii) dynamics of complex systems at the interface of ecology, epidemiology and the social sciences. He is a Fellow of SIAM and AMS.Previous Recipients:
- I. Edward Block (1986)
- Gene H. Golub (1988)
- Avner Friedman (1997)
- Margaret H. Wright (2000)
- Gilbert Strang (2003)
- Richard A. Tapia (2004)
- Cleve Moler (2005)
- Peter D. Lax (2006)
- Philippe Tondeur (2008)
- J. Tinsley Oden (2009)
- Martin Grötschel (2010)
- David E. Keyes (2011)
- Barbara Lee Keyfitz (2012)
- Douglas N. Arnold (2013)
- Arieh Iserles (2014)
Note: The SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession, previously awarded from time to time, became an annual prize in 2003. No award was made in 2007.
The recipient of the SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession receives a framed, hand-calligraphed certificate..
The Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software
The Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software is awarded to the entry that best addresses all phases of the preparation of high-quality numerical software, including clarity of the software and documentation; importance of applications addressed by the software; and portability, reliability, efficiency, and usability of the software. The prize is administered by Argonne National Laboratory, the National Physical Laboratory (UK), and the Numerical Algorithms Group. The ANL-NPL-NAG Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software has been awarded quadrenially at ICIAM. The recipients of the Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software receive $3,000. Each winner also receives a commemorative plaque.
2015 Recipients:
Patrick E. Farrell, University of Oxford
Simon W. Funke, Simula Research Laboratory
David A. Ham, Imperial College London
Marie E. Rognes, Simula Research Laboratory
Citation: For the development of dolfin-adjoint, a package which automatically derives and solves adjoint and tangent linear equations from high-level mathematical specifications of finite element discretizations of partial differential equations.
The need for adjoints of partial differential equations (PDEs) pervades science and engineering. Adjoints enable the study of the sensitivity and stability of physical systems, and the optimization of designs subject to constraints. While deriving the adjoint model associated with a linear stationary forward model is straightforward, the derivation and implementation of adjoint models for nonlinear or time-dependent models is notoriously difficult. dolphin-adjoint solves this problem by automatically analyzing and exploiting the high-level mathematical structure inherent in infinite element methods. It is implemented on top of the FEniCS Project for finite element discretizations.
Patrick E. Farrell received his Ph.D. from Imperial College London, and is currently an EPSRC Research Fellow in the Mathematical Institute at the University Oxford. His research interests include linear and nonlinear solvers for forward and adjoint PDEs adaptive discretizations, and optimization problems constrained by partial differential equations. His most recent research addresses the question of computing distinct solutions of nonlinear PDEs.
Simon W. Funke received his Ph.D. from the Imperial College London, and currently works for the Biomedical Computing Department at Simula Research Laboratory in Norway. His research interests include adjoint models, optimization constrained by partial differential equations and applications to biomedicine and marine renewable energy.
David A. Ham received his doctorate from Delft University of Technology and is currently a NERC Research Fellow at Imperial College London. His current research focuses on the automated generation of finite element models, and particularly on abstracting the mathematical structure of numerical discretizations and simulation domains to most effectively exploit current and emerging parallel hardware.
Marie E. Rognes received her Ph.D. from the University of Oslo and is currently a Senior Research Scientist and Head of the Biomedical Computing Department at Simula Research Laboratory in Norway. Her research interests revolve around structure-preserving discretizations of PDEs such as mixed finite element methods, automated code generation and error control, and applications in biomedical modeling and simulation.
Previous Recipients of the Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software:
- Linda Petzold (1991) for DASSL
- Chris Bischof and Alan Carle (1995) for ADIFOR 2.0
- Matteo Frigo and Steven Johnson (1999) for FFTW
- Jonathan Shewchuk (2003) for Triangle
- Wolfgang Bangerth, Ralf Hartmann and Guido Kanschat (2007) for deal.II
- Andreas Wächter and Carl D. Laird (2011) for IPOPT
James H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software
Starting in 2019, by agreement among ANL, NPL, NAG, and SIAM, the prize will be administered by SIAM. The James H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software will join the James H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing as a major SIAM prize. The prize fund was established by generous donations in 2015 from ANL, NPL, and NAG. The prize will be awarded every four years at meetings of the SIAM Conference on CS&E. The next award of the prize will be given in 2019. A $3,000 cash award and a suitable engraved plaque will be presented to the recipients.
SIGEST Authors
SIGEST contains digested versions of selected papers from SIAM’s research journals. Each journal’s Editorial Board, in turn, nominates work for SIGEST. The final choice of papers is made by the Editor-in-Chief and Section Editors of SIAM Review (SIREV) on the basis of exceptional quality and potential significance to the entire SIAM community. Authors of these papers achieve a wider readership than could be reached by a specialized research journal alone. This section provides a rare opportunity for readers from all segments of the SIAM community to keep up with important research from outside their areas of specialization.
SIAM recognizes the authors of the papers published in SIREV’s SIGEST section in 2014.Affiliations reflect author addresses at the time of publicationSIREV 56(1)
“Viral Blips May Not Need a Trigger: How Transient Viremia Can Arise in Deterministic In-Host Models”
SIAM Review, Volume 56, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 127-155
Wenjing Zhang, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Lindi M. Wahl, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Pei Yu, University of Western Ontario, CanadaSIREV 56(2)
“Twice-Ramanujan Sparsifiers”
SIAM Review, Volume 56, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 315-334
Joshua Batson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Daniel A. Spielman, Yale University
Nikhil Srivastava, Microsoft Research, Bangalore, IndiaSIREV 56(3)
“The Smallest Possible Interaction Radius for Synchronization of Self-Propelled Particles”
SIAM Review, Volume 56, Issue 3 (2014), pp. 499-521
Ge Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
Zhixin Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
Lei Guo, Chinese Academy of Sciences, BeijingSIREV 56(4)
“The Diameter of the Rubik’s Cube Group Is Twenty”
SIAM Review, Volume 56, Issue 4 (2014), pp. 645-670
Tomas Rokicki, Palo Alto, CA
Herbert Kociemba, Darmstadt, Germany
Morley Davidson, Kent State University
John Dethridge, Google Inc., Mountain View, CA
SIAM Fellows
The SIAM Fellows program was established in 2009. Fellowship is an honorific designation conferred on certain SIAM members who have made outstanding contributions to fields served by SIAM. The 2015 Fellows were selected from nominations submitted by their peers.
The following have been named SIAM Fellows for the Class of 2015:
Charu C. Aggarwal IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Ann S. Almgren Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Aharon Ben-Tal Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Vincent D. Blondel Université catholique de Louvain
Stephen P. Boyd Stanford University
Fred Brauer University of British Columbia
Franco Brezzi Istituto Universitario de Studi Superiori di Pavia
Fan Chung Graham University of California, San Diego
Tyrone E. Duncan University of Kansas
Charles M. Elliott University of Warwick
Anne Greenbaum University of Washington
William W. Hager University of Florida
Per Christian Hansen Technical University of Denmark
Tamara G. Kolda Sandia National Laboratories
Petros Koumoutsakos ETH Zürich
Miroslav Krstic University of California, San Diego
Rachel A. Kuske University of British Columbia
Charles E. Leiserson Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Qun Lin Chinese Academy of Sciences
Esmond G. Ng Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Hinke M. Osinga The University of Auckland
Christopher C. Paige McGill University, Professor Emeritus
Rodolphe Sepulchre University of Cambridge
Halil Mete Soner ETH Zürich
Panagiotis E. Souganidis The University of Chicago
Ping Tak Peter Tang Intel Corporation
Moshe Y. Vardi Rice University
Charles W. Wampler General Motors Company
Clarence Eugene Wayne Boston University
Henry Wolkowicz University of Waterloo
Gang George Yin Wayne State University
SIAM Major Prizes
Awarded at other conferences in 2015
SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering
Awarded at CSE15, March 17, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
2015 Recipients:
PETSc Core Development Team
Satish Balay, Argonne National Laboratory
Jed Brown, Argonne National Laboratory
William Gropp, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Matthew Knepley, University of Chicago
Lois Curfman McInnes, Argonne National Laboratory
Barry Smith, Argonne National Laboratory
Hong Zhang, Argonne National Laboratory
W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize
Awarded at CT15, July 9, in Paris, France
2015 Recipient:
Francis Clarke
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
George B. Dantzig Prize
Awarded jointly with MOS at ISMP 2015, July 12, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
2015 Recipient:
Dimitri P. Bertsekas
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lagrange Prize in Continuous Optimization
Awarded jointly with MOS at ISMP 2015, July 12, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
2015 Recipients:
Andrew R. Conn, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Katya Scheinberg, Lehigh University
Luís Nunes Vicente, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Germund Dahlquist Prize
To be awarded at SciCADE 2015, September 14, at University of Potsdam, Germany
2015 Recipient:
For information on SIAM prizes, visit the
SIAM Prizes and Recognitions website
Calls for Nominations are posted at
2016 Prizes
The following prizes will be awarded at the Prizes and Awards Luncheon at the 2016 SIAM Annual Meeting in Boston, MA:
I E Block Lecture
The John von Neumann Lecture
AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture
Richard C. DiPrima Prize
George Pólya Prize in Combinatorics
W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize
SIAM Outstanding Paper Prizes
SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession
SIAM Award in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)
SIAM Student Paper Prizes
The following prizes will be awarded at other societies' conferences in 2016:
At Joint Math Meetings, January 2016 in Seattle, WA
JPBM Communications Award
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research by an Undergraduate Student
Norbert Wiener Prize
The following prizes will be awarded at SIAM Activity Group (SIAG) conferences in 2016:
SIAG/SC Career Prize
SIAG/SC Junior Scientist Prize
SIAG/SC Best Paper Prize
SIAG/IS Early Career Prize
SIAG/IS Best Paper Prize
Dénes König Prize (SIAG/DM)
Martin Kruskal Prize (SIAG/NWCS)
SIAG/FME Junior Scientist Prize
SIAG/FME Conference Paper Prize