SIAM Award in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling

Principal Guideline

The SIAM Award in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), established in 1988, is awarded to two of the teams judged "Outstanding" in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), administered annually by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP). One winning team is chosen for each of the two problems (continuous and discrete) posed in the MCM.

Prize Committee

The prize committee will be appointed by the SIAM Vice President for Education. The members of the prize committee must be SIAM members.

Selection Procedures

The eligible candidates each year include all teams competing in the MCM that are judged as "Outstanding" (the highest possible ranking) by the official contest judges.

The prize committee will notify the SIAM President through the vice president for education of its nominations within a few days after the completion of the grading of the MCM (usually in March). However, the committee is free, in unusual circumstances, to recommend that no award be made. The president will accept or reject the nominations within one month of receipt. If the nominations are accepted, the award presentation will be made according to the procedure below. If the nominations are rejected, the president and the chair of the prize committee will either select the award-winning teams or decide to make no award.


The vice president for education will notify the team members and their faculty adviser of the award within two weeks after the nominations are accepted by the president.

Description of the Award

Student Team Members
Each student member of the winning team will be sent a cash award of $500 and three one-year student memberships in SIAM.

Faculty Adviser
A certificate for the home institution will be sent to the faculty adviser of each of the winning teams.

Prize History

The next award will be made in 2018.

Previous recipients of the SIAM Award in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling:


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