Travel Support for Post-doc/Early Career Attendees
Due to a change in name, this page is no longer active, but is kept as a historical reference only.
This program is now called the SIAM Early Career Travel Support. Please go to for further information.
SIAM has available limited support for post-doc/early career participants affiliated with U.S. institutions for travel to SIAM conferences through a grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). The terms of our grant from the NSF restricts awards to researchers affiliated with U.S. institutions at the time of the conference. To qualify as “postdoc/early career”, you must be within 6 years of your PhD at the time of the conference .
The travel awards are in the amount $650, however, in cases in which intercontinental travel is required, the award will be increased to $800.
These awards (unless otherwise noted in the award letter) come with free registration. To obtain support, an awardee must file an expense report, including all required receipts, within 30 days of the end of the conference.
Travel outside of the U.S. under this program must comply with the Fly America Act. See for example, In some cases, the United States has entered into bilateral or multilateral agreements “Open Skies” agreements with other nations. In these cases, The Fly America Act does not prohibit travel funded by civilian government agencies on carriers associated with these nations. For example, there are such agreements with the European Union (including non‑EU members Norway and Iceland), Australia, Switzerland, Israel, and Japan. A full list of partners is available at priority will be given to candidates presenting papers at the meeting. An application for travel support must include:
- A statement requesting the travel award and providing the rationale for your request and explaining your interest in attending the conference. If you are giving a presentation at the conference, the statement should include the title of your presentation, the type of presentation (minisymposium, contributed lecture, poster) and the name(s) and affiliations of your co-authors. If you are speaking in a minisymposium, include the title and the name(s) of the organizer(s).
- A current curriculum vitae (CV) that includes your contact information, the date (month/year) of the award of your PhD, the institution awarding your PhD, and your advisor's name, and other relevant information including recent publications. In addition, you may provide a URL for a working Web page that expands on the information in your CV.
- The name and email address of a senior colleague who should be asked to provide a letter of support for your application and any special circumstances. This letter is not required for early career or postdoctoral applicants, but it is recommended. We will send a separate e-mail requesting the letter from your colleague. The e-mail will include instructions on how to submit the letter. You will not be able to directly upload the letter of support as part of the application process.
All submissions must be in pdf format.
To submit an application for travel support to a conference, go to , and follow the instructions.
Deadlines for Conferences
Complete applications must be received at the SIAM office approximately seven months before the first day of the conference for which support is requested. Refer to the list below to find the application deadline for the conference for which you are requesting support. Complete applications must be received at the SIAM office no later than this date. On the deadline date, no application will be accepted after 5PM current Eastern time. In addition, for full consideration, applicants must submit their abstract no later than seven months before the first day of the conference. The deadlines apply to all required application materials, and no late applications will be accepted.