SIAG/Control and Systems Theory Prize
Principal Guideline
The SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory (SIAG/CST) Prize is awarded every two years to an early career researcher for outstanding research contributions, as determined by the prize committee, to mathematical control or systems theory. The contributions must be contained in a paper or papers published in English in peer-reviewed journals.
Prize Committee
The prize committee will consist of a panel of five members of the
SIAG/CST. The Vice Chairperson of the SIAG/CST during the last year of the
award period will serve as chairperson of the committee. The SIAG Chair, in consultation with the other officers, will form a list of people to serve in the remaining four places and will submit the list to the SIAM Vice President at Large (SIAM VP) for approval prior to inviting the committee members to serve. The SIAG officers will seek to ensure a diverse composition of the prize committee in research area, geography, employment sector (industry, national laboratories, universities), and under-represented groups. The appointments will be made at least twelve months in advance of the prize award date.
The term of office will be from the date of appointment until the date of
the prize award.
Rules of Operation
The committee will solicit nominations for the prize from the general
membership of the SIAG/CST, using SIAM office resources as needed, and
from other members of the scientific community. If a committee member is
nominated for the award, the SIAM President will appoint a replacement
upon notification by the committee chairperson.
Selection Procedures
The awardee's work must be a significant research contribution to the
mathematical theory of systems and control, as commonly defined in the
mathematical and engineering literature. At least one of the papers containing this work must be published in English in a peer-reviewed journal, bearing a publication date within the three (3) calendar years prior to the year of the award. Moreover, either the recipient must be a student or the paper’s publication date must be no more than three (3) calendar years later than the year in which the author received the PhD or equivalent degree.
Committee's Recommendation
The prize committee will notify the SIAM VP of its selection at
least five months prior to the award date. The prize committee must select
a specific research contribution that determines the prize winner and a
published paper or papers where this contribution is contained. The
notification must be accompanied by a written justification and a citation
not exceeding 25 words that can be used for a certificate and read at
award time.
The recommendation is subject to approval by the SIAM VP, to be completed at least four months prior to the expected award date. In the event that the recommendation is vetoed by the VP, the Prize Committee may present one other candidate and seek the SIAM VP's approval by the date three months prior to the expected award date. In the event that no candidate is approved three months prior to the expected award date, the award for the given two year period will not be given.
Notification of Award
The Chairperson of the Prize Committee will notify the recipient of the award at least three months in advance of the award date. An invitation will also be extended to the recipient to attend the award ceremony to receive the award and to present his or her work.
Description of the Award
The award will consist of a certificate containing the
Award Date and Period
The prize is awarded every other year at the biennial SIAM Conference
on Control Theory, the only all SIAG/CST meeting. The award period is
the three calendar years preceding the meeting. In the event that the
SIAM Conference on Control Theory is not held, the award will be presented
in another public forum to be determined by the SIAG officers in conjunction
with the SIAM President.
Obligations of Recipient
The awardee is expected to attend the award ceremony and to present the
award-winning work at the meeting, and will be reimbursed for reasonable
expenses incurred in attending the award ceremony.
The Award Presentation
The Chairperson of the SIAG/CST will announce the award at the chosen meeting and present the award to the recipient.
An announcement of the award recipient(s) will appear in SIAM News and the SIAG/CST Newsletter.
Prize History
The prize was established in 1997.
Previous recipients of the SIAG/Control and Systems Theory Prize:
- 1998 Andrew R. Teel
- 2001 Vincent D. Blondel
- 2005 Pablo A. Parrilo
- 2007 Murat Arcak
- 2009 Rafal Goebel
- 2011 Michael Rotkowitz
- 2013 Ricardo G. Sanfelice (Feedback Control of Hybrid Dynamical Systems: from Cells to Power Networks)
- 2015 Eduardo Cerpa
- 2017 Javad Lavaei (Graph-Theoretic Convexification of Polynomial Optimization Problems with Applications to Power Systems and Distributed Control)
The next award will be made in 2019.
Selection Committee
Click here to see a list of selection committee members by year.