Simulation and Supercomputing in the Geosciences

Monterey, California, July 29 - August 10, 2012

Natural hazards caused by storm surges, earthquakes and tsunamis have exposed a large risk to modern societies in recent years. In order to mitigate these hazards, advanced simulation and computational techniques need to be employed for data analysis, early warning and planning purposes. The G2S13 2012 summer school provided an introduction to students (on PhD and Master level) to cutting-edge simulation techniques for rapid assessment and accurate process studies of geoscientific problems involving a large range of relevant scales.

Course Program

The summer school combined three mini-courses:

The primary lecturers for the courses were given by

with guest lectures from Sven Harig (Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven) and Kyle Mandli (Univ. of Texas, Austin). Also included was a poster session with contributions by over 20 participants on Monday, Jul 30.

Time and Location, Participants

The Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2012 took place from Jul 29 to Aug 9, 2012, at Casa Munras Hotel & Spa, in Monterey/California. Approx. 50 participants from 14 countries were selected from more than 180 applications. Admission included coverage of accommodation plus (for most of the participants) partial or full travel support.

Japan Bathymetry


The Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2012 on "Simulation and Supercomputing in the Geosciences" and its participants were funded and sponsored by the following institutions:

KlimaCampus Univ. Hamburg MetStröm