Diversity Advisory Committee


Name Email
Term Ends
Ron Buckmire [email protected]
Ricardo Cortez [email protected]
Charles Doering (JCW Rep) [email protected]
Hector M. Klie
[email protected]
Suzanne M Lenhart [email protected]
Ami Radunskaya [email protected]
Padmanabhan Seshaiyer, Chair [email protected]
Wen Shen [email protected]
Karyn Sutton [email protected]
Richard Tapia [email protected]
Moe Z. Win [email protected]
Victor Zavala [email protected]


Charge for the SIAM Diversity Advisory Committee

The purpose of the SIAM Diversity Advisory Committee is to assist SIAM in addressing policy issues that arise in relationship to underrepresented groups.  The committee will consist of a chair and up to twelve members.   Designated within the committee are a working group to oversee the Workshop Celebrating Diversity at the SIAM Annual Meetings (described below), a liaison from the AWM, and a liaison from the Joint Committee on Women. All appointments are subject to the approval of the SIAM President.

Overseeing the Workshop Celebrating Diversity Program

The committee acts as a steering committee to provide oversight for the development of the Workshop Celebrating Diversity at the SIAM Annual Meetings.  The committee sets the general guidelines for the Workshop so as to present a consistent presence at the annual meetings. The guidelines give an overview of the format of the Workshop Celebrating Diversity, including whether it is run as a separate meeting or is blended into the annual meeting.  

The chair of the committee will appoint a working group* to oversee organization of the Workshop Celebrating Diversity.  The working group will consist of three (3) members, with three (3) year terms; the second-year member chairs the committee.  Members of the working group do not need to be members of the Diversity Advisory Committee.  Terms start in August.  The working group will appoint a person (subject to approval by the SIAM Vice President for Programs) to be a liaison to the SIAM Annual Meeting Organizing Committee.

Other Responsibilities

The committee is encouraged to bring to the attention of the SIAM Council other opportunities to promote diversity within the community served by SIAM. 

The committee will be available for consultation on diversity issues that come to SIAM’s attention through the membership or the activities it sponsors.  This may include help in developing topics for articles in SIAM News, providing counsel to the SIAM Committee on Programs and Conferences and chairs of conference organizing committees, and assisting in collection or management of data related to questions of diversity.

Terms of the Committee Members

The term of the committee members and chair is for a period of three (3) years which can be renewed.  Terms will be staggered so one-third of the committee members’ terms will expire each year.  SIAM recommends that appointed committee members serve at most two consecutive terms, although exceptions can be made in special circumstances.

Staff liaison to this committee is the SIAM Director of Program and Services.

The SIAM President, in consultation with the SIAM Secretary, shall make the at-large appointments to this committee. Committee membership should reflect the breadth and diversity of the Society. Committee members should have broad knowledge of the Society and its members.


*WCD Working Group

Name Email Term Ends
Ariel Cintron [email protected] July 31, 2020
Erica Graham [email protected] July 31, 2018

Shelby Wilson, Chair

[email protected]

July 31, 2019

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