
SIAM journals request electronic submission of manuscripts because of the efficiency for authors, editors, and referees, and the resulting shorter review times. Submit your paper and a cover letter in PDF format via the Journal Submission & Tracking System. Figures, if any, must be embedded "inline" in the manuscript.

Questions about submission can be sent to [email protected]. Go to to submit your work to a SIAM journal:

Please note: Submission of a manuscript to a SIAM journal is representation by the author that the manuscript has not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere, and papers that have been published elsewhere will not be considered. An exception may be made occasionally for a substantially revised conference proceedings paper, provided that it is so identified in the submission letter and in the paper itself.

If your paper contains material (for example, tables or figures) from another published source, the previously published material must be accompanied by written permission from the author and publisher. Complete addresses (including e-mail addresses and fax and phone numbers) should be provided for all authors. To assist referees unpublished references can also be submitted with an indication of whether they have been accepted for publication.

Authors can suggest an editor from among those listed on the journal's masthead, but the editor-in-chief has the exclusive right to assign papers to members of the editorial board. The editors reserve the right to reject any manuscript that does not conform to the journal’s standards.

Original scholarship

A large duplication of another author's or one's own work is a sign of poor scholarship. There is also a copyright issue if the source is not cited. Your manuscript should provide proper citations, use quotation marks or indentation (for quotations of five or more lines) to indicate borrowed wording, and minimize duplication. Refusal by an author to make these necessary changes is grounds for rejection.

TeX papers

Authors of accepted papers are encouraged to submit their TeX files to SIAM for typesetting. (SIAM cannot accept electronic files for papers produced on any other typesetting or word processing system.) More detailed information on SIAM's TeX-typesetting procedures is sent to authors upon acceptance for publication.

Accessing SIAM's macros

Macro packages and documentation are available in LaTeX 2e (preferred), Plain TeX, and AMSTeX and can be obtained from SIAM's web server or via anonymous FTP (the macros are in directory pub/macros) or e-mail ([email protected]). Note that Plain TeX and AMSTeX files will be converted to LaTeX 2e by the SIAM office.


All illustrations must be of professional quality with no handwritten elements. Note that tables and algorithms are not considered figures and should not be treated as such. Illustrations must be numbered consecutively and cited in the text. To ensure the highest printing quality, SIAM will accept only electronic PostScript (EPS) or TeX figure files. Hand-drawn artwork will not be accepted. SIAM will not redraw figures. PostScript figures must use lines 1 point or thicker; thinner lines may break up or disappear when printed. When choosing line weight and character size, keep in mind that illustrations may be reduced.

Color: SIAM journals are printed in black and white, with art printed in color only when it is deemed by the editor to be scientifically necessary. If it is your wish or expectation that any of the figures in your paper appear in color in the printed version, please inform us immediately. Color art that is not deemed scientifically necessary by the editor can be printed in color at the author's expense.

SIREV is an exception to this rule, with color art encouraged where it enhances the content of a figure. The all-electronic JUQ, SIADS, SIIMS, and SIFIN also strongly encourage color art.


Titles should be brief and appropriate for indexing and should specifically describe the content of the paper.


An abstract not exceeding 250 words that summarizes the principal techniques and conclusions of the manuscript in relation to known results must accompany each manuscript. Because the abstract must be able to stand independently, mathematical formulas and bibliographic references should be kept to a minimum; bibliographic references must be written out in full (not given by number).

Key words and AMS subject classifications

Lists of key words and AMS subject classifications must accompany all articles. The subject classifications are listed in the Annual Index of Mathematical Reviews and can be accessed or searched online at

Abbreviated title

An abbreviated title, which will be used as a running head, must accompany all articles, must not consist of more than 50 characters (including spaces), and must not contain abbreviations.


References should be listed in either alphabetical order or order of citation at the end of the manuscript. The following reference styles should be used:

Citations within the text

A consistent style should be used, and the style of in-text citations should conform to the reference style chosen. To refer to a specific page or item in an article or book the following formats may be used: [2, p. 51]; [M, p. 51]; Mandelbrot [2, p. 51]; or Mandelbrot (1977, p. 51).

Page limit policies

SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, and SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing have a page-limit policy of 20 pages per paper. SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, SIAM Journal on Optimization, and SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification have a limit of 25 pages per paper. Please refer to each journal's editorial policy for more information.


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