This conference is sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory and is a Satellite Meeting of ICIAM 2011.
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Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee Co-Chairs
Michael A. Demetriou, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
George Yin, Wayne State University, USA
Organizing Committee
Jorge Cortés, University of California San Diego, USA
Fariba Fahroo, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, USA
Onésimo Hernández-Lerma, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del I.P.N., Mexico
Mary Ann Horn, Vanderbilt University, USA
Wei Kang, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Vassili Kolokoltsov, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Steven Marcus, University of Maryland, USA
Hideo Nagai, Osaka University, Japan
Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, University of Kansas, USA
Ralph Smith, North Carolina State University, USA
Qing Zhang, University of Georgia, USA
The field of control theory is central to a wide range of aerospace, industrial, automotive and advanced technological systems and increasingly recognized as fundamental for emerging fields ranging from nanotechnology to cell regulation. Moreover, in addition to its traditional ubiquity in process regulation for the physical sciences and engineering, control concepts now pervade the biological, computer, and social sciences. This conference will showcase a wide range of topics in control and systems theory. The topics and applications include real-time optimization and data assimilation, cellular and biological regulation, control of hybrid systems, numerical methods for control and optimization, control techniques for financial mathematics, cooperative control for unmanned autonomous vehicles, differential games, biomedical control, risk sensitive control and filtering, control of smart systems, flow control and quantum control. This conference is a continuation of a series of meetings started in 1989 in San Francisco.
Funding Agency
SIAM and the Conference Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation for its support of this conference.
- Adaptive Control
- Control and Identification of Distributed Parameter Systems
- Control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles
- Control of Biological Systems
- Cellular and Biological Regulation
- Control of Hybrid Systems
- Control of Networks
- Control of Nonlinear Systems
- Control of Smart Material Systems
- Control Techniques for Financial Mathematics
- Cooperative Control
- Fluid Flow Control
- Game Theory
- Industrial Applications
- Learning and Estimation in Control
- Max-Plus
- Networked and Embedded Controls
- Nonlinear Filtering
- Numerical Methods for Control and Optimization
- Optimization in Control and Systems Theory
- Quantum Control, Estimation, and Filtering
- Real-time Control, Optimization and Data Assimilation
- Risk Sensitive Control
- Robust Control
- Stochastic Control
- System Identification
- Viscosity Solution Framework.
Important Deadlines
January 3, 2011 January 10, 2011 : Minisymposium proposals DEADLINE EXTENDED!
January 31, 2011: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers
January 17, 2011: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early Career Travel Award Applications
June 27, 2011 Disconnect time is 4:00 PM EDT
June 27, 2011