Poster Session
No poster session is scheduled for SODA07.
Program Schedule
Please note: No updates will be made to the web program. Paper titles and author listings are updated as final versions of papers are received for the final printed program. | ||||||
Day | Date | Event | Session ID | Time | Title | Authors |
Friday | 5-Jan | Registration | 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM | |||
Saturday | 6-Jan | Registration | 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM | |||
ALENEX and ANALCO Workshops | 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM | |||||
ACM-SIAM SODA Welcome Reception | 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM | |||||
Sunday | 7-Jan | Registration | 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM | |||
Continental Breakfast | 8:30 AM | |||||
Concurrent Sessions 9:00 AM - 11:05 AM | 1A | 9:00 AM | Region-Fault Tolerant Geometric Spanners | Mohammad Ali Abam, Mark de Berg, Mohammad Farshi and Joachim Gudmundsson | ||
9:25 AM | A PTAS for TSP with Neighborhoods Among Fat Regions in the Plane | Joseph S. B. Mitchell | ||||
9:50 AM | Optimal Dynamic Vertical Ray Shooting in Rectilinear Planar Subdivisions | Yoav Giora and Haim Kaplan | ||||
10:15 AM | Squarepants in a Tree: Sum of Subtree Clustering and Hyperbolic Pants Decomposition | David Eppstein | ||||
10:40 AM | A Near-Linear Time Constant Factor Approximation for Euclidean Bi-chromatic Matching (Cost) | Piotr Indyk | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 9:00 AM - 11:05 AM | 1B | 9:00 AM | Compacting Cuts: A New Linear Formulation for Minimum Cut | Robert D. Carr, Goran Konjevod, Greg Little, Venkatesh Natarajan and Ojas Parekh | ||
9:25 AM | Linear Programming Relaxations of Maxcut | Wenceslas Fernandez de la Vega and Claire Kenyon-Mathieu | ||||
9:50 AM | Near-Optimal Algorithms for Maximum Constraint Satisfaction Problems | Moses Charikar, Konstantin Makarychev and Yury Makarychev | ||||
10:15 AM | Improved Bounds for the Symmetric Rendezvous Value on the Line | Q. Han, D. Du, J.C. Vera and L.F. Zuluaga | ||||
10:40 AM | Efficient Solutions to Relaxations of Combinatorial Problems with Submodular Penalties via the Lov\'asz Extension and Non-smooth Convex Optimization | Fabi\'an A. Chudak and Kiyohito Nagano | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 9:00 AM - 11:05 AM | 1C | 9:00 AM | Multiple Source Shortest Paths in a Genus $g$ Graph | Sergio Cabello and Erin W. Chambers | ||
9:25 AM | Obnoxious Centers in Graphs | Sergio Cabello and G\"unter Rote | ||||
9:50 AM | Maximum Matching in Graphs with an Excluded Minor | Raphael Yuster and Uri Zwick | ||||
10:15 AM | Faster Dynamic Matchings and Vertex Connectivity | Piotr Sankowski | ||||
10:40 AM | Efficient Algorithms for Computing All Low s-t Connectivities and Related Problems | Ramesh Hariharan, Telikepalli Kavitha and Debmalya Panigrahi | ||||
Coffee Break | 11:05 AM - 11:30 AM | |||||
Invited Plenary Session | 2 | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Analytic Combinatorics, A Calculus of Discrete Structures | Philippe Flajolet, INRIA, France | ||
Luncheon | 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM | |||||
Concurrent Sessions 2:00 PM - 4:05 PM | 3A | 2:00 PM | Equilibria in Online Games | Roee Engelberg and Josefh (Seffi) Naor | ||
2:25 PM | The Approximation Complexity of Win-Lose Games | Xi Chen, Shang-Hua Teng and Paul Valiant | ||||
2:50 PM | Convergence to Approximate Nash Equilibria in Congestion Games | Steve Chien and Alistair Sinclair | ||||
3:15 PM | Efficient Contention Resolution Protocols for Selfish Agents | Amos Fiat, Yishay Mansour and Uri Nadav | ||||
3:40 PM | Strong Price of Anarchy | Michal Feldman, Nir Andelman and Yishay Mansour | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 2:00 PM - 4:05 PM | 3B | 2:00 PM | Online Buffer Management in QoS Switches | Fei Li, Jay Sethuraman and Clifford Stein, Matthias Englert and Matthias Westermann | ||
2:25 PM | Instability of FIFO in the Permanent Sessions Model at Arbitrarily Small Network Loads | Matthew Andrews | ||||
2:50 PM | On the Separation and Equivalence of Paging Strategies | Spyros Angelopoulos, Reza Dorrigiv and Alejandro Lopez-Ortiz | ||||
3:15 PM | Pull-Based Data Broadcast with Dependencies: Be Fair to Users, Not to Items | Julien Robert and Nicolas Schabanel | ||||
3:40 PM | Improved Bounds for the Online Steiner Tree Problem in Graphs of Bounded Edge-Asymmetry | Spyros Angelopoulos | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 2:00 PM - 4:05 PM | 3C | 2:00 PM | Minimizing Movement | Erik D. Demaine, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Hamid Mahini, Amin Sayedi, Shayan Oveisgharan and Morteza Zadimoghaddam | ||
2:25 PM | Optimization Problems in Multiple-interval Graphs | Ayelet Butman, Danny Hermelin, Moshe Lewenstein and Dror Rawitz | ||||
2:50 PM | Approximation Algorithms via Contraction Decomposition | Erik D. Demaine, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi and Bojan Mohar | ||||
3:15 PM | A 1.875--Approximation Algorithm for the Stable Marriage Problem | Kazuo Iwama, Shuichi Miyazaki and Naoya Yamauchi | ||||
3:40 PM | Improved Algorithms for Path, Matching, and Packing Problems | Jianer Chen, Songjian Lu, Sing-Hoi Sze and Fenghui Zhang | ||||
Coffee Break | 4:05 PM - 4:30 PM | |||||
Concurrent Sessions 4:30 PM - 6:35 PM | 4A | 4:30 PM | Model-driven Optimization Using Adaptive Probes | Sudipto Guha and Kamesh Munagala | ||
4:55 PM | Estimating the Sortedness of a Data Stream | Parikshit Gopalan, T.S. Jayram, Robert Krauthgamer and Ravi Kumar | ||||
5:20 PM | A Near-Optimal Algorithm for Computing the Entropy of a Stream | Amit Chakrabarti, Graham Cormode and Andrew McGregor | ||||
5:45 PM | The Communication and Streaming Complexity of Computing the Longest Common and Increasing Subsequences | Xiaoming Sun and David P. Woodruff | ||||
6:10 PM | Efficient Aggregation Algorithms for Probabilistic Data | T.S. Jayram, Satyen Kale and Erik Vee | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 4:30 PM - 6:35 PM | 4B | 4:30 PM | Multiple Choice Tries and Distributed Hash Tables | Luc Devroye, Gabor Lugosi, Gahyun Park, Wojciech Szpankowski | ||
4:55 PM | Approximating Entrpoy from Sublinear Samples | Mickey Brautbar and Alex Samorodnitsky | ||||
5:20 PM | Torpid Mixing of Local Markov Chains on 3-Colorings of the Discrete Torus | David Galvin and Dana Randall | ||||
5:45 PM | Probabilistic Analysis of Linear Programming Decoding | Konstantinos Daskalakis, Alex Dimakis, Richard Karp and Martin Wainwright | ||||
6:10 PM | Scrambling Adversarial Errors Using Few Random Bits | Adam Smith | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 4:30 PM - 6:35 PM | 4C | 4:30 PM | Deterministic Pivoting Algorithms for Constrained Ranking and Clustering Problems | Anke van Zuylen, Rajneesh Hegde, Kamal Jain and David P. Williamson | ||
4:55 PM | Aggregation of Partial Rankings, p-Ratings and Top-m Lists | Nir Ailon | ||||
5:20 PM | Algorithms and Incentives for Robust Ranking | Rajat Bhattacharjee and Ashish Goel | ||||
5:45 PM | A Matroid Secretary Problem | Moshe Babaioff, Nicole Immorlica and Robert Kleinberg | ||||
6:10 PM | An Algebraic Algorithm for Weighted Linear Matroid Intersection | Nicholas J. A. Harvey | ||||
Monday | 8-Jan | Registration | 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM | |||
Continental Breakfast | 8:30 AM | |||||
Concurrent Sessions 9:00 AM - 11:05 AM | 5A | 9:00 AM | An Elementary Construction of Constant-Degree Expanders | Noga Alon, Oded Schwartz and Asaf Shapira | ||
9:25 AM | The k-orientability Thresholds for G_{n,p} & The Random Graph Threshold for k-orientiability and a Fast Algorithm for Optimal Multiple-Choice Allocation | Daniel Fernholz and Vijaya Ramachandran, Julie Cain, Peter Sanders and Nick Wormald | ||||
9:50 AM | On Extremal Subgraphs of Random Graphs | Graham Brightwell, Konstantinos Panagiotou and Angelika Steger | ||||
10:15 AM | Online Vertex Colorings of Random Graphs Without Monochromatic Subgraphs | Martin Marciniszyn and Reto Spöhel | ||||
10:40 AM | On Testable Properties in Bounded Degree Graphs | Artur Czumaj and Christian Sohler | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 9:00 AM - 11:05 AM | 5B | 9:00 AM | Embedding Metrics into Ultrametrics and Graphs into Spanning Trees with Constant Average Distortion | Ittai Abraham, Yair Bartal and Ofer Neiman | ||
9:25 AM | Approximation Algorithms for Embedding General Metrics Into Trees | Mihai Badoiu, Piotr Indyk and Anastasios Sidiropoulos | ||||
9:50 AM | Embedding into $l^2_{\infty}$ is Easy, Embedding into $l^3_{\infty}$ is NP-Complete | Jeff Edmonds | ||||
10:15 AM | Efficient Subspace Approximation Algorithms | N. D. Shyamalkumar and K. Varadarajan | ||||
10:40 AM | A Divide and Conquer Algorithm for d-Dimensional Arrangement | Moses Charikar, Konstantin Makarychev and Yury Makarychev | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 9:00 AM - 11:05 AM | 5C | 9:00 AM | Resilient Search Trees | Irene Finocchi, Fabrizio Grandoni and Giuseppe F. Italiano | ||
9:25 AM | Randomization Does Not Help Searching Predecessors | Mihai Patrascu and Mikkel Thorup | ||||
9:50 AM | Dynamic Weighted Ancestors | Tsvi Kopelowitz and Moshe Lewenstein | ||||
10:15 AM | Ultra-succinct Representation of Ordered Trees | Jesper Jansson, Kunihiko Sadakane and Wing-Kin Sung | ||||
10:40 AM | Tree Exploration with Logarithmic Memory | Gasieniec, Pelc, Radzik and Zhang | ||||
Coffee Break | 11:05 AM - 11:30 AM | |||||
Invited Plenary Session | 6 | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Combinatorial Algorithms for Web Search Engines -- Three Success Stories | Monika R. Henzinger, Google Inc & Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne (EPFL) |
Lunch (attendees on their own) | 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM | |||||
Concurrent Sessions 2:00 PM - 4:05 PM | 7A | 2:00 PM | Deterministic Rendezvous, Treasure Hunts and Strongly Universal Exploration Sequences | Amnon Ta-Shma and Uri Zwick | ||
2:25 PM | Planar Graphs are in 1-STRING | J. Chalopin, D. Gonçalves and P. Ochem | ||||
2:50 PM | The Bandwidth Conjecture for 3-colourable Graphs | Julia Boettcher, Mathias Schacht and Anusch Taraz | ||||
3:15 PM | Sandpile Transience on the Grid is Polynomially Bounded | Laszlo Babai and Igor Gorodezky | ||||
3:40 PM | Digraph Measures: Kelly Decompositions, Games, and Orderings | Paul Hunter and Stephan Kreutzer | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 2:00 PM - 4:05 PM | 7B | 2:00 PM | Approximating the Spanning Star Forest Problem and Its Applications to Genomic Sequence Alignment | C. Thach Nguyen, Jian Shen, Minmei Hou, Li Sheng, Webb Miller and Louxin Zhang | ||
2:25 PM | Fast Elimination of Redundant Linear Equations and Reconstruction of Recombination-Free Mendelian Inheritance on a Pedigree | Jing Xiao, Lan Liu, Lirong Xia and Tao Jiang | ||||
2:50 PM | Whole
Genome Duplications, Multi-Break Rearrangements, and Genome Halving
Problem |
A. Alekseyev and Pavel A. Pevzner |
3:15 PM | Succinct Indexes for Strings, Binary Relations and Multi-labeled Trees | J\'er\'emy Barbay, Meng He, J. Ian Munro and S. Srinivasa Rao | ||||
3:40 PM | A Simple Storage Scheme for Strings Achieving Entropy Bounds | Paolo Ferragina and Rossano Venturini | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 2:00 PM - 4:05 PM | 7C | 2:00 PM | A Network Formation Game for Bipartite Exchange Economies | Eyal Even-Dar, Michael Kearns and Siddharth Suri | ||
2:25 PM | Cheap Labor Can Be Expensive | Ning Chen and Anna R. Karlin | ||||
2:50 PM | Buying Cheap is Expensive: Hardness of Non-Parametric Multi-Product Pricing | Patrick Briest and Piotr Krysta | ||||
3:15 PM | Dynamic Pricing for Impatient Bidders | Nikhil Bansal, Ning Chen, Neva Cherniavsky, Atri Rudra, Baruch Schieber and Maxim Sviridenko | ||||
3:40 PM | Designing And Learning Optimal Finite Support Auctions | Edith Elkind | ||||
Coffee Break | 4:05 PM - 4:30 PM | |||||
Concurrent Sessions 4:30 PM - 6:35 PM | 8A | 4:30 PM | On Bregman Voronoi Diagrams | Frank Nielsen, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and Richard Nock | ||
4:55 PM | Zone Diagrams, Existence, Uniqueness, and Algorithmic Challenge | Tetsuo Asano, Jiri Matousek and Takeshi Tokuyama | ||||
5:20 PM | Approximate Shortest Paths in Anisotropic Regions | Siu-Wing Cheng, Hyeon-Suk Na, Antoine Vigneron and Yajun Wang | ||||
5:45 PM | On Bounded Leg Shortest Paths Problems | Liam Roditty and Michael Segal | ||||
6:10 PM | Counting Colors in Boxes | Haim Kaplan, Natan Rubin, Micha Sharir and Elad Verbin | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 4:30 PM - 6:35 PM | 8B | 4:30 PM | Energy Efficient Online Deadline Scheduling | HL Chan, WT Chan, TW Lam, LK Lee, KS Mak, and P Wong | ||
4:55 PM | Speed Scaling for Weighted Flow Time | Nikhil Bansal, Kirk Pruhs and Cliff Stein | ||||
5:20 PM | Path-Independent Load Balancing With Unreliable Machines | James Aspnes, Richard Yang and Yitong Yin | ||||
5:45 PM | Layered Multicast Scheduling for the L_infinity Objective | Qingbo Cai and Vincenzo Liberatore | ||||
6:10 PM | Lower Bounds on Average-case Delay for Video-on-Demand Broadcast Protocols | Wei-Lung Dustin Tseng and David Kirkpatrick | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 4:30 PM - 6:35 PM | 8C | 4:30 PM | Maximum $s$-$t$-flow with $k$ Crossings in $O(k^3 n \log n)$~time | Jan M. Hochstein and Karsten Weihe | ||
4:55 PM | Matrix Scaling by Network Flow | G\"unter Rote and Martin Zachariasen | ||||
5:20 PM | Single Source Multiroute Flows and Cuts on Uniform Capacity Networks | Henning Bruhn, Jakub Cerny, Alexander Hall and Petr Kolman | ||||
5:45 PM | Island Hopping and Path Colouring with Applications to WDM Network Design | Andrew McGregor and Bruce Shepherd | ||||
6:10 PM | Maximum Independent Sets in Graphs of Low Degree | Vadim Lozin and Martin Milanic | ||||
Business Meeting | 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM | |||||
Tuesday | 9-Jan | Registration | 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM | |||
Continental Breakfast | 8:30 AM | |||||
Concurrent Sessions 9:00 AM - 11:05 AM | 9A | 9:00 AM | An Unbiased Pointing Operator for Unlabeled Structures, with Applications to Counting and Sampling | Manuel Bodirsky, Eric Fusy, Mihyun Kang, Stefan Vigerske | ||
9:25 AM | Noisy Binary Search and its Applications | Richard M. Karp and Robert Kleinberg | ||||
9:50 AM | Making Deterministic Signatures Quickly | Milan Ruzic | ||||
10:15 AM | A Faster Cache-Oblivious Shortest-Path Algorithm for Undirected Graphs with Bounded Edge Lengths | Luca Allulli, Peter Lichodzijewski and Norbert Zeh | ||||
10:40 AM | On the k-simple Shortest Paths Problem in Weighted Directed Graphs | Liam Roditty | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 9:00 AM - 11:05 AM | 9B | 9:00 AM | Semi-oblivious Routing: Lower Bounds | MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Robert Kleinberg and Tom Leighton | ||
9:25 AM | Optimal Scale-free Compact Routing Schemes in Networks of Low Doubling Dimension | Goran Konjevod, Andrea W. Richa and Donglin Xia | ||||
9:50 AM | Distributed Algorithms for Multicommodity Flow Problems via Approximate Steepest Descent Framework | Baruch Awerbuch, Rohit Khandekar and Satish Rao | ||||
10:15 AM | Network Sketching or: "How Much Geometry Hides in Connectivity? -- Part II" | Stefan Funke and Nikola Milosavljevic | ||||
10:40 AM | Line-of-Sight Networks | Alan Frieze, Jon Kleinberg, R. Ravi and Warren Debany | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 9:00 AM - 11:05 AM | 9C | 9:00 AM | All-Pairs Bottleneck Paths in Vertex Weighted Graphs | Asaf Shapira, Raphael Yuster and Uri Zwick | ||
9:25 AM | Finding a Heaviest Triangle is not Harder than Matrix Multiplication | Artur Czumaj and Andrzej Lingas | ||||
9:50 AM | Matrix-Vector Multiplication in Sub-Quadratic Time (Some Preprocessing Required) | Ryan Williams | ||||
10:15 AM | A Linear Work, $O(n^{1/6})$ Time, Parallel Algorithm for Solving Planar Laplacians | Ioannis Koutis and Gary Miller | ||||
10:40 AM | Fast Computation of Power Series Solutions of Systems of Differential Equations | Alin Bostan, Frédéric Chyzak, François Ollivier, Bruno Salvy, Éric Schost and Alexandre Sedoglavic | ||||
Coffee Break | 11:05 AM - 11:30 AM | |||||
Invited Plenary Session | 10 | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Testing for a Theta | Maria Chudnovsky, Columbia University & Clay Mathematics Institute | ||
Lunch (attendees on their own) | 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM | |||||
Concurrent Sessions 2:00 PM - 4:05 PM | 11A | 2:00 PM | k-means++: The Advantages of Careful Seeding | David Arthur and Sergei Vassilvitskii | ||
2:25 PM | Spectral Clustering with Limited Independence | Anirban Dasgupta, John Hopcroft, Ravi Kannan and Pradipta Mitra | ||||
2:50 PM | Separating Populations with Small Data | Kamalika Chaudhuri, Eran Halperin, Satish Rao and Shuheng Zhou | ||||
3:15 PM | Restricted Strip Covering and the Sensor Cover Problem | Adam L. Buchsbaum, Alon Efrat, Shaili Jain, Suresh Venkatasubramanian and Ke Yi | ||||
3:40 PM | Compressing Rectilinear Pictures and Minimizing Access Control Lists | David A. Applegate, Gruia Calinescu, David S. Johnson, Howard Karloff, Katrina Ligett and Jia Wang | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 2:00 PM - 4:05 PM | 11B | 2:00 PM | Reconstruction Using Witness Complexes | Leonidas J. Guibas and Steve Y. Oudot | ||
2:25 PM | Geometric and Topological Guarantees for the Wrap Reconstruction Algorithm | Edgar A. Ramos and Bardia Sadri | ||||
2:50 PM | Delaunay Refinement for Piecewise Smooth Complexes | Siu-Wing Cheng, Tamal K. Dey and Edgar A. Ramos | ||||
3:15 PM | Complexity of Delaunay Triangulation for Points on Lower-dimensional Polyhedra | Nina Amenta, Dominique Attali and Olivier Devillers | ||||
3:40 PM | On the Number of Tetrahedra with Minimum, Unit, and Distinct Volumes in Three-space | Adrian Dumitrescu and Csaba D. T\'oth | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 2:00 PM - 4:05 PM | 11C | 2:00 PM | Games of Fixed Rank: A Hierarchy of Bimatrix Games | Ravi Kannan and Thorsten Theobald | ||
2:25 PM | The Effectiveness of Stackelberg Strategies and Tolls for Network Congestion Games | Chaitanya Swamy | ||||
2:50 PM | Setting Lower Bounds on Truthfulness | Ahuva Mu'alem and Michael Schapira | ||||
3:15 PM | An Efficient Cost-Sharing Mechanism for the Prize-Collecting Steiner Forest Problem | A. Gupta, J. Konemann, S. Leonardi, R. Ravi and G. Schaefer | ||||
3:40 PM | A Lower Bound for Scheduling Mechanisms | George Christodoulou, Elias Koutsoupias and Angelina Vidali | ||||
Coffee Break | 4:05 PM - 4:30 PM | |||||
Concurrent Sessions 4:30 PM - 6:35 PM | 12A | 4:30 PM | The Independent Even Factor Problem | Satoru Iwata and Kenjiro Takazawa | ||
4:55 PM | Fractional Packing in Ideal Clutters | Yuji Matsuoka | ||||
5:20 PM | Half Integral Packing, Erd\H{o}s-Pos\'a-Property and Graph Minors | Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi | ||||
5:45 PM | New Upper Bounds on The Approximability of 3D Strip Packing & Harmonic Algorithm for 3-Dimensional Strip Packing Problem | Xin Han, Kazuo Iwama and Guochuan Zhang, Nikhil Bansal and Maxim Sviridenko | ||||
6:10 PM | Polynomial Approximation Schemes for Smoothed And Random Instances of Multidimensional Bin Packing | David Karger and Krzysztof Onak | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 4:30 PM - 6:35 PM | 12B | 4:30 PM | Quantum Algorithms for Simon's Problem over General Groups | Gorjan Alagic, Cristopher Moore and Alexander Russell | ||
4:55 PM | Quantum Algorithm for a Generalized Hidden Shift Problem | Andrew M. Childs and Wim van Dam | ||||
5:20 PM | The Quantum Schur and Clebsch-Gordan Transforms:I. Efficient Qudit Circuits | Dave Bacon, Isaac L. Chuang and Aram W. Harrow | ||||
5:45 PM | Correlation Decay and Deterministic FPTAS for Counting List-colorings of a Graph | David Gamarnik and Dmitriy Katz | ||||
6:10 PM | Counting Good Truth Assignments of Random $k$-SAT Formulae | Andrea Montanari and Devavrat Shah | ||||
Concurrent Sessions 4:30 PM - 6:35 PM | 12C | 4:30 PM | Approximation Algorithms for Network Design Problems with Node Weights | Chandra Chekuri, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Guy Kortsarz and Mohammad R. Salavatipour | ||
4:55 PM | A 3-approximation Algorithm for Prize Collecting Forest Problems with Submodular Penalty Functions | Yogeshwer Sharma and David P. Williamson | ||||
5:20 PM | A Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for Steiner Tree in Planar Graphs | Glencora Borradaile, Claire Kenyon-Mathieu and Philip Klein | ||||
5:45 PM | Worst Case and Probabilistic Analysis of the 2-Opt Algorithm for the TSP | Matthias Englert, Heiko Roeglin and Berthold Voecking | ||||
6:10 PM | Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic and Risk-averse Optimization | Aravind Srinivasan | ||||
Conference Adjourns | 6:35 PM |