General Information
Audio-Visual Policy
Standard Audio-visual Set-up in Meeting Rooms
Every PLENARY SESSION ROOM will have TWO OVERHEAD PROJECTORS, TWO SCREENS, and ONE DATA PROJECTOR. All other breakout rooms will have one overhead projector, one screen, and one data projector. Speakers may inquire about ordering additional audio-visual equipment by contacting [email protected].
SIAM does not provide computers for any speaker. When giving an electronic presentation, speakers must provide their own computers. SIAM is not responsible for the safety and security of speakers’ computers.
All speakers, please visit prior to pre-registration deadline.
Information regarding Internet access will be posted here when available.
Local Area
Visit for more information on Burlington and the surrounding area.
The average temperature in Burlington during June varies between 54° F (12.2°C) and 75° F (23.8°C). Remember meeting room temperatures and personal comfort zones vary widely. It is recommended that you bring a sweater or jacket to the sessions.Membership
SIAM members save $110 on registration for the 2008 SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematic Join your peers in the premier professional society for applied mathematicians and computational scientists. SIAM members receive subscriptions to SIAM Review and SIAM News and enjoy substantial discounts on SIAM books, journal subscriptions, free student memberships and conference registrations.
If you are a current SIAM member, it only costs $10 to join the SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics (SIAG/DM). As a SIAG/DM member, you are eligible for an additional $10 discount on this conference, so if you paid the SIAM member rate to attend the conference, you might be eligible for a free SIAG/DM membership. Check at the registration desk.
Free Student Memberships are available to all students who attend an institution that is an Academic Member of SIAM, are members of Student Chapters of SIAM, or are nominated by a Regular Member of SIAM.
Join online, download an application, or contact SIAM Customer Service.
Telephone: +1-215-382-9800 (worldwide); or 800-447-7426 (U.S. and Canada only)
Fax: +1-215-386-7999
E-mail: [email protected]
Postal mail: SIAM, 3600 Market Street, 6th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 USA.
Poster Session
The poster session is scheduled for Tuesday, June 17 and Wednesday, June 18 from 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM. Presenters are requested to put up their posters no later than 9:30 AM on Tuesday, June 17, the official start time of the session. Boards and push pins will be available to presenters beginning Monday, June 16 at 8:00 AM. For information about preparing a poster, please visit
Note: Any poster presenter who fails to show and present a confirmed presentation will be considered a no-show. No-shows will be billed $55 per accepted poster.
SIAM Books and Journals
Display copies of books and complimentary copies of journals are available on site. SIAM books are available at a discounted price during the conference. If a SIAM books representative is not available, completed order forms and payment (credit cards are preferred) may be taken to the SIAM registration desk.
By Air
SIAM has selected Uniglobe Wings Travel to assist attendees in making travel arrangements. To book your reservations through Uniglobe Wings Travel, contact Amy Hueber at +1-215-628-3322 or toll free (US and Canada) at 866-71-WINGS. Press two (2) when you hear the recording, and ask to be transferred to Amy. Be sure to mention you are attending the SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics. Uniglobe Wings Travel will issue your ticket and mail it to you. Please be aware there is a fee for this service.
You also have the choice of using your own travel agent or an Internet service. There are many web sites available to allow you to search for and purchase airline tickets online. Expedia , Orbitz, and Travelocity are just a few.
Ground Transportation
Public Transportation from Airport
Taxis and buses are available at the airport for transportation to the University of Vermont and the other hotels.
By Train
Amtrak has a rail station in Burlington. To make train reservations through Amtrak, call (800) USA-RAIL, go to or contact Uniglobe Wings Travel. Taxis are available at the train station for transportation to the hotel.
Rental Cars
Many major car rental companies have offices inside the airport terminal. You can make your arrangements when you arrive at the airport or you can make them through Uniglobe Wings Travel or your own travel agent. Uniglobe Wings Travel can make your car rental reservations at the same time you make your flight reservations. See information above regarding how to reach Uniglobe Wings Travel.
Driving Directions
If renting a car, please obtain a map and directions from your rental car company. Another option is to visit Mapquest, or another similar web site.
Visa Information
International attendees at conferences in the US may already be aware that there have been changes to the visa program for scientific visitors, which affect even people from visa waiver countries. The site, maintained by The National Academies, provides guidance on obtaining the necessary documents.
Also visit for information regarding the visa waiver program, as maintained by the US Department of State.
Letter of Invitation
Confirmed speakers in need of a letter of invitation to assist in the VISA application process, please send your request to [email protected] and be sure to include the following information:
- Conference Title
- Date of Presentation
- Name as it appears on passport
- Passport Origin
- Date of Birth
- Passport Number
Letters will be issued to confirmed speakers only.