Conference and Workshop Support & Reimbursement Policy
Reimbursement to Invited Speakers, Minitutorial Speakers, and Organizing Committee Chair(s) is contingent on the approval of grant support for SIAM Conferences. If support is not received, the reimbursement is contingent on the approval of registration fees high enough to cover the expected expenses of Invited Speakers, Minitutorial Speakers, and the Organizing Committee Chair(s).
Funds Available for Conference Distribution
Reimbursement of Expenses for Conference Chairs
The Chair of the Organizing Committee (and Co-Chair) is waived of the conference/meeting registration fee. The reimbursement of the Chair of Organizing Committee (and Co-Chair) as a group is determined by the average number of paid attendees at the prior two meetings.
Number of Paid Attendees | Amount |
Less than 200 |
$1500 |
201 - 400 |
$2000 |
401 - 600 |
$3000 |
601 or more |
$3500 |
An expense report form will be placed in the co-chair conference registration packets if it has been arranged prior to the meeting to use these funds.
Organizer Fund
Chair of Organizing Committee (and Co-Chair) may use this fund at their discretion to support conference related activities. The Chair should advise the SIAM office as to how the fund will be used (4) four months prior to the meeting. The amount of the fund is determined by estimated conference attendance which for purposes of this policy is defined as the average attendance from previous two conferences.
Conference Support Fund
The primary purpose of this fund is to provide partial financial support for travel and local expenses to post doctorates, hardship cases, and other conference participants who may not otherwise be able to attend the SIAM conference. Conference registration fees are not considered reimbursable expenses for the purpose of this fund. The amount of the fund is determined by estimated conference attendance which for purposes of this policy is defined as the average attendance from previous two conferences.
Organizing Committee Registration Costs
The Organizing Committee will receive complimentary registration for up to ten members. (The policy for ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), ALENEX and ANALCO, is that members of the organizing committee are offered a reduced registration rate.) Organizing Committee members pay their own travel, room and board expenses.
Invited Speakers
SIAM will reimburse up to $1,500 per speaker traveling within North America, or $2,500 for speakers traveling outside of North America, subject to travel reimbursement guidelines (see Guidelines for Reimbursement of Invited Speaker Expenses ). If the expenses of an Invited Speakers are expected to exceed these allotted amounts, the Invited Speaker must submit an Additional Reimbursement Request Form [13KB, PDF] to the SIAM Conference Director for approval no later than six (6) weeks before the workshop.
Minitutorial Speakers
SIAM will provide up to $500 per speaker of a minitutorial for travel expenses, not to exceed $1500 per minitutorial (in the case of 3 speakers, that�s $500 per speaker), plus free conference registration for the speakers.
Procedure for Reimbursement of an Invited or Minitutorial Speaker
Prior to the conference, all confirmed Invited Speakers will receive the guidelines for Reimbursement and an "Additional Reimbursement Request Form"[13KB, PDF] .
A letter of instruction and an Expense Report Form will also be placed in each of the Invited Speakers conference registration packets. Expense reports must be submitted for reimbursement within thirty (30) days of the Conference to the SIAM Conference Director to be eligible for reimbursement.
Minisymposium Organizers and Speakers - No Reimbursement
SIAM does not reimburse expenses for minisymposium organizers or minisymposium speakers. The minisymposium organizers and minisymposium speakers are expected to pay the member registration rate. If they do not pre-register they will have to pay the on-site member registration fee (by pre-registering they will usually save $80). It is best to clarify this policy when invitations to participate are issued.
Contributed Session Speakers - No Reimbursement
SIAM does not reimburse expenses for contributed session speakers. The speakers are expected to pay the registration rate as applicable to their circumstances. If they do not pre-register they will have to pay the on-site registration fee (by pre-registering they will usually save $80).It is best to clarify this policy when letters of notification to participate are issued.
Poster Session Presenters - No Reimbursement
SIAM does not reimburse expenses for poster session presenters. These meeting participants are expected to pay the registration rate as applicable to their circumstances. If they do not pre-register they will have to pay the on-site registration fee (by pre-registering they will usually save $80). It is best to clarify this policy when letters of notification to participate are issued.
Funds Available for Workshop Distribution
The guidelines for Workshops described below also apply to the ALENEX and ANALCO.
Reimbursement of Expenses for Workshop Chairs
The workshop Co-Chairs workshop registration is waived. A total of $1500 is available for reimbursement of travel expenses for the co-chairs(s), as a group.
An Expense Report Form will be placed in the Co-Chair’s registration packets.
Invited Speakers
SIAM will reimburse up to $1,500 per speaker traveling within North America, or $2,500 for speakers traveling outside of North America, subject to travel reimbursement guidelines (see Guidelines for Reimbursement of Invited Speaker Expenses ). If the expenses of an Invited Speakers are expected to exceed these allotted amounts, the Invited Speaker must submit an Additional Reimbursement Request Form [13KB, PDF] to the SIAM Conference Director for approval no later than six (6) weeks before the workshop.
Procedure for Reimbursement of an Invited Speaker
Prior to the workshop, all confirmed Invited Speakers will receive the guidelines for Reimbursement and an Additional Reimbursement Request Form [13KB, PDF].
An Expense Report Form will also be placed in each of the Invited Speakers workshop registration packets. Expense reports must be submitted for reimbursement within thirty (30) days of the workshop to the SIAM Conference Director to be eligible for reimbursement.
No other funds are available for Workshops.
For distribution of funds for workshops at the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, see the Data Mining reimbursement policy.