Student Prizes and Travel Awards

MCM session at the SIAM Annual Meeting 2006

Be Recognized! SIAM Student Paper Prizes
Student Paper Prizes are awarded annually to the student authors of the most outstanding papers submitted to the SIAM Student Paper Competition. Recipients of the prizes present their papers at the SIAM Annual Meeting.

Travel! SIAM Student Travel Awards
These awards provide complimentary registration plus travel funds to selected full-time students to attend SIAM conferences.

Challenge Your Brain! Mathematical Contest in Modeling
SIAM Award in Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) is awarded to two of the teams judged "Outstanding" in the annual MCM. One winning team is chosen for each of the two problems (continuous and discrete) posed in the MCM.


Other Prizes and Awards

For Women Only: NSF/AWM Travel Grants
NSF/AWM Travel Grants provide full or partial support to enable women to attend research conferences in their fields.

Paid Fellowships
DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF) works to identify and provide support for some of the very best computational science graduate students in the nation. The program is funded by the Department of Energy, Office of Defense Programs and Office of Science.

Photo: Bradley Klingenberg (representing the UC-Boulder team), Benjamin Conlee, Neal Gupta, and Christopher Yetter (the Harvard team), pose with SIAM/MCM judges and session co-chairs Ben Fusaro and James Case after presenting their winning team papers at the SIAM Award in the MCM session at the SIAM Annual Meeting 2006.

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