About the Conference


The Ninth SIAM Conference on Optimization will feature the latest research in theory, algorithms, and applications in optimization problems. In particular, it will emphasize large-scale problems and will feature important applications in networks, manufacturing, medicine, biology, finance, aeronautics, control, operations research, and other areas of science and engineering. The conference brings together mathematicians, operations researchers, computer scientists, engineers, and software developers; thus it provides an excellent opportunity for sharing ideas and problems among specialists and users of optimization in academia, government, and industry.

Funding Agency

SIAM and the Conference Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation for its support of this conference.


Large-scale nonlinear programming
Mixed integer nonlinear programming
Conic and convex programming
Stochastic optimization
Discrete optimization
Derivative-free optimization
PDE constrained optimization
Applications to biology and life sciences
Minitutorial: Derivative-Free Optimization

Minitutorial: Derivative-Free Optimization
Slides from Presentation
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