Students and SIAM: SIAM Authors Share Royalties with Students
September 15, 1998
At the 1998 SIAM Annual Meeting in Toronto, SIAM vice president for education Terry Herdman (second from left) awarded certificates to student paper prize recipients (from left) Robert Beardmore (Brunel University, UK), Anastasios Liakos (University of Pittsburgh), and Fabi�n Chudak (Cornell University). The students then presented their papers: "Infinite Dimensional Implicit Systems" (Beardmore); "Discretization of the Navier-Stokes Equations with Slip Boundary Condition" (Liakos); and "Improved Approximation Algorithms for Uncapacitated Facility Location" (Chudak).
Did you know that thanks to the generosity of some SIAM authors, students can apply to the SIAM Student Travel Fund for financial support to attend specific SIAM meetings? Created in 1991, the fund, which is replenished each year through the donation of book royalties by SIAM authors, helps a number of students travel to the SIAM Annual Meeting as well as to several other specialty conferences.
A full-time student in good standing with his or her institution can apply for a $300 award by submitting an application that includes the following information:
1. A cover letter from the student that includes the student's academic standing and major study interests; expected degree and graduation date; adviser's name; and, if available, a working Web site address;
2. A one-page vita that describes the student's research interests, projects, and published papers;
3. A letter from the student's faculty adviser that outlines in detail the ways in which the award would benefit the student and any special circumstances that make the student deserving of the financial support;
4. The title of any paper to be presented by the student at the meeting, as well as any papers to be presented by others that the student has co-authored.