SIAM News: Volume 31, Number 7, September 1998
- Academic Memberships Offer Opportunities to Students
- Andrew Teel Receives First SIAG/CST Prize
- Investment Banks and Mathematical Modeling
- Merton Lecture: A Good Fit for SIAM
- Netlib News: MD5 Checksums
- "Nothing Was Ever the Same Again"
- Porting Scientific Software to Intel SMPs Under Windows/NT
- Robert Merton Delivers Block Community Lecture
- SIAM Approves East Asia Section
- Some New Directions for an Increasingly International SIAM
- Students and SIAM: SIAM Authors Share Royalties with Students
- VLP Speaker Delivers Double Bill to Bates Faculty, Students, and Visitors
- WPI Hosts First in Series of SIAM's Regional Math in Industry Workshops