SIAM Approves East Asia Section
September 15, 1998The East Asia Section of SIAM (EASIAM) became a reality in July during the 1998 SIAM Annual Meeting in Toronto, when a petition from members in the Pacific region was approved by the SIAM Board of Trustees. This is an important step in SIAM's growth as an international society.
By approving the petition, the board authorized the new section to draft rules of procedure. The next step is board approval of the rules of procedure.
All SIAM members, wherever they reside, are welcome to join this new section. It will organize and sponsor conferences in East Asia on applied and computational mathematics, with the strong support of the whole society.
A model for such activities is the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland (UKIE) Section, which held its first meeting in 1997. (The 1999 meeting will be held at Imperial College, London, on January 8.) The inaugural conference of EASIAM is planned for Singapore (details to be announced in SIAM News). The leaders of EASIAM are the section president, Seng Luan Lee of the National University of Singapore, and a group of founding members who represent countries as far north as China, Japan, and Korea.
The new section will bring together scientists and engineers who are engaged in mathematics and its applications, working in industry and in the research and teaching centers that are growing rapidly throughout East Asia. Nothing is exclusive about EASIAM; no additional dues (beyond SIAM membership) are anticipated-just enthusiastic members and cooperation with everyone.
Membership information can be found on the Web ( or by e-mail ([email protected]).