Start a Section
SIAM Sections are regional subgroups of SIAM members, organized to foster activity in applied mathematics and computational science in a specified geographic region. Typically the region of a section is sufficiently large to support meaningful diverse activities among a substantial set of people from many institutions.
Rules regarding SIAM sections are specified in the SIAM bylaws. SIAM provides a draft set of Rules of Procedure that, when completed, describes the activities of the section and procedures for operating.
Steps for proposing the creation of a Section:
- A petition to create a section is submitted, through the SIAM Headquarters, to the SIAM Board of Trustees. The petition must stipulate the name and region of the proposed section and must be signed by no less than 20 SIAM members. More signatures indicate stronger support, and the signatures should represent the diversity and breadth of the proposed section. A sample petition is available below.
- A letter of intent is submitted with the petition. The letter should identify the purpose and activities of the proposed Section and identify potential officers to serve during the first year.
- The SIAM Board of Trustees reviews petitions to create sections. If a petition is approved, then the SIAM President, in consultation with the petitioners, appoints temporary officers for the section.
- Either at the time of petition or after the appointment of temporary officers, the section completes a set of Rules of Procedure. A draft set of rules of procedure is available below.
- The Rules of Procedure are reviewed, and when they are approved by the SIAM Board of Trustees, the section becomes operational.
- Normally the appointed officers serve one full term. Elections are held at the end of officers’ terms to fill these positions, as prescribed in the Rules of Procedure.
The following documents will help you get started today:
- Checklist for starting a Section [PDF, 12KB]
- Petition for starting a Section [PDF, 14KB]
- Draft Rules of Procedure for new Sections [PDF, 135KB]
The following pages contain more information about SIAM Sections:
- Purpose of and Vision for Sections
- Criteria for the Approval of Sections
- Procedures for Running Sections