Special Events
Career Fair
The SIAM Career Fair is an informational and interactive event at which employers and prospective employees can discuss careers. It is a great opportunity for prospective employees to meet government and industry representatives and discuss what they are looking for and what each employer has to offer!
List of Career Fair Participants
Ethics and Integrity in SIAM Publishing
Monday, July 12
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM
Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh A - Level 3
In the last two years SIAM has seen a sharp increase in problems related to ethics in publishing. The issues include plagiarism of the work of SIAM authors, accusations of plagiarism committed by SIAM authors, piracy of SIAM books, and unethical gaming of citation metrics, such as impact factors, by authors, publishers, and editors. The speakers in this panel will describe some of the most egregious cases, explain SIAM's revised policy on authorial integrity, and define how SIAM protects its authors when they are victims of piracy or plagiarism.
Chair: Carl T. Kelley,
North Carolina State University
Douglas Arnold,
University of Minnesota
Susanne Brenner,
Louisiana State University
David Marshall,
Funding Agencies Panel
Thursday, July 15
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh A – Level 3
Panel members discuss recent trends and future plans for computational and applied mathematics in their agencies, and possibly entertain questions from the audience.
Sandy Landsberg, DOE Office of Science
Deborah F. Lockhart, National Science Foundation
Industry Panel
Understanding the Evolution of Applied Mathematics in Industry
Monday, July 12
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM
Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh B - Level 3
Industry is rapidly adopting applied mathematics as a needed critical capability for future competition and growth. In response, applied mathematicians have built an impressive toolset for industry. However, the pressure of adopting applied mathematics may also lead to the pressure of assimilation of the discipline. For example, applied mathematics is now often a significant portion of an interdisciplinary degree in science and engineering versus an applied mathematics degree with a significant component dedicated to learning an engineering or scientific application. Panelists are asked: 1) whether this shift in emphasis is visible, 2) whether the trend is shifting training in applied mathematics from tool builders to tool users and 3) Is the trend good or bad for the discipline of applied mathematics.
Moderator: Jeffrey Saltzman, Merck Research Laboratories
Pavel Bochev, Sandia National Laboratories
Carson Chow, National Institute of Health
Jim Morel, Texas A&M University
Robert Schreiber, Hewlett-Packard
Professional Development Evening
Thursday, July 15
6:15 – 9:15 PM
Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh A - Level 3
Danny Dunlavy, Sandia National Laboratories
John Geddes, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Suzanne Shontz, Penn State University
Moderator/Session Chair: Suzanne M. Shontz, The Pennsylvania State University
The professional development evening will be focused on various aspects of obtaining a job for individuals transitioning from graduate school or postdoctoral positions. In the first session, attendees will hear perspectives on different career choices in academia, industry, and government. In the second session, attendees will be given an opportunity to network with one another and to discuss various career options. In the third session, panelists from academia, industry, and government will share their tips on jump starting a career with the attendees.
6:15-7:15 PM – Career Options
Moderator: Suzanne Shontz, Pennsylvannia State University
Panelists: Ansu Bagchi, Merck & Co., Inc
Jaideep Ray, Sandia National Laboratories
Joseph Skufca, Clarkson University
Stephen Vavasis, University of Waterloo
7:15-8:15 PM - Networking with Reception
8:15-9:15 PM – Tips on Jump Starting Your Career
Moderator: Danny Dunlavy, Sandia National Laboratories
Panelists: Sanjukta Bhowmick, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Ali Pinar, Sandia National Laboratories
Suzanne Shontz, Pennsylvania State University
Additional Information
Also look under these sections for other meeting highlights.
- Plenary Speakers
- Topical Speaker
- Special Lectures
Prizes and Awards
- Luncheon
- AWM Workshop
- Diversity Day
- Student Day