Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Workshop
Professional Skills Training for Female Graduate Students and Postdocs
Strong Women in the Power of Strategic Persuasion
Workshop Celebrating Diversity (SIAM WCD)
Student Days
Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Workshop
The Workshop for Women Graduate Students and Recent P.h.D.’s is held in conjunction with the SIAM Annual Meeting. Please visit for more information.
COAChing Strong Women in the Power of Strategic Persuasion
Sunday July 11, 2010
8:30 AM -12:00 PM
Cambria West & East, Westin Hotel
Workshop Facilitators: Jane Tucker and Barb Butterfield
In this workshop participants assimilate fundamentals of responsible negotiations and conflict resolution; they learn to be curious about points of view, data, and aspirations of all parties involved. Attendees examine the importance of developing alternatives to agreement that build self-confidence and enhance preparation. They use self-examination to discover personal negotiating styles and in prepared case studies covering current challenges, practice skills to reach highly successful outcomes.
Cases will be taken directly from the group and will have the opportunity to role play a case to a successful outcome.
There is no fee to attend the workshop but pre-registration is required and limited to 20 participants. Please register with COACh at:
Pre-registration preferred before June 14. Priority registration is given to women. Male participants can be waitlisted.
Presented by COACh with support of SIAM and AWM.For more information about COACh contact Priscilla Lewis, COACh Coordinator, [email protected]
Professional Skills Training for Female Graduate Students and Postdocs
Sunday July 11, 2010
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Cambria West & East, Westin Hotel
Workshop Facilitators: Jane Tucker and Barb Butterfield
This workshop is designed to introduce negotiations or solution finding to graduate students. The content encourages developing understanding of the parties’ interests, developing alternatives that enhance the possibility of reaching agreement and packaging of the possibilities. Participants will learn to develop their “best alternative to a negotiated agreement.” Participants will focus on their personal negotiating style. A formal instrument will be used to identify styles of competition, collaboration, compromise, accommodation and avoidance. Attendees then practice through a selection from case studies including developing a strong advocate, credit for research and publications, developing connectedness, obtaining resources that enable productivity, opportunity to demonstrate strong performance, career and family, the “all important” reference letter, contracting for a first or new position, opportunities for professional development and mediation for problem solving.
There is no fee to attend the workshop but pre-registration is required and limited to 25 participants. Please register with COACh at:
Pre-registration preferred before June 14. Priority registration is given to women. Male participants can be waitlisted. There is no registration fee charged to participant.
Presented by COACh with support of SIAM and AWM.
For more information about COACh contact Priscilla Lewis, COACh Coordinator, [email protected]
Workshop Celebrating Diversity (SIAM WCD)
July 13-15, 2010
Janet Best, The Ohio State University
Erika Camacho, Arizona State University
Tanya (Henneman) Moore, Building Diversity in Science and City of Berkeley Division of Public Health
This annual event provides a forum for scientific interaction among a truly diverse group of participants. A majority of speakers will be women and members of underrepresented groups, ranging from beginning graduate students to senior scientists. Everyone is welcome to attend the talks of these symposia.
The workshop is intended to accomplish several goals:
- To clearly and explicitly express SIAM's message of enthusiastic support for members of underrepresented groups. The workshop is deliberately integrated into the regular SIAM meeting in order to encourage broad participation in SIAM meetings and to set an example of inclusion.
- To bring together a mixture of people from different backgrounds and different levels of professional experience, ranging from beginning graduate students to senior scientists.
- To serve as an example of symposia with research presentations by individuals with diverse personal backgrounds including those from marginalized communities who are not typically part of this research environment.
- To provide an informal, comfortable setting where a diverse group of young researchers can meet applied and computational mathematicians who hold a wide variety of positions in academia, national laboratories, industry, and government.
Both the participants in the Workshop Celebrating Diversity and the larger SIAM community will benefit from the diverse collection of applied mathematicians presenting here.
See the following sessions:
Look for the SIAM-DW designation throughout the program. These sessions are shared with the Workshop Celebrating Diversity.
SIAM and the workshop organizers wish to thank the following sponsors for their support of this workshop:
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI), Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI).
Student Days