Sponsored by SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics.

The Invited Lectures and Dénes König Prize Lecture from the 2010 Conference on Discrete Mathematics have been captured and are available as slides with synchronized audio. In addition there are PDFs of the slides available for printing.

Invited Plenary Speakers

Imre Bárány, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Jim Geelen, University of Waterloo, Canada
Penny Haxell, University of Waterloo, Canada
Anna Karlin, University of Washington
Richard Stanley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Madhu Sudan, Microsoft Research
Terence Tao, University of California, Los Angeles
Robin Thomas, Georgia Institute of Technology

Minisymposia Submissions

The Program Committee is delighted to announce the following minisymposia. Additional minisymposium proposals are hereby invited and should be submitted electronically at archive.siam.org/meetings/dm10/submissions.php.

Additive Combinatorics
Organizer: Van Vu

Algorithmic Game Theory
Organizers: Jason Hartline and Nicole Immorlica.

Coding Theory.
Organizer: Alex Samorodnitsky

Combinatorial Hopf Algebras
Organizer: Frank Sottile

Combinatorial Constructions for Theoretical Computer Science Cancelled
Organizer: David Zuckerman

Computational Biology
Organizer: Nancy Amato

Design Theory
Organizers: Petteri Kaski and Patric Ostergard

Discrete Geometry
Organizers: Karoly Bezdek and Igor Pak

Enumerative Combinatorics
Organizer: Bruce Sagan

Extremal Graph Theory
Organizer: Jacques Verstraete

Flows in Graphs and Matroids
Organizer: Luis Goddyn

Graph Colouring
Organizer: Daniel Kral

Matroid Theory
Organizer: James Oxley

Paths and Cycles in Graphs
Organizer: Xingxing Yu

Probabilistic Combinatorics
Organizer: Michael Krivelevich

Structural Graph Theory
Organizer: Maria Chudnovsky

Submodular functions
Organizer: Satoru Iwata

Topological Graph Theory
Organizer: Bojan Mohar

Important Deadlines

Extended to January 4, 2010:  Minisymposium proposals
Extended to January 18, 2010:  Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers

November 16, 2009: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early Career Travel Award Applications

May 17, 2010

May 10, 2010


Discrete mathematics is a branch of the mathematical sciences, with a wide range of challenging research problems and important applications in industry. Discrete mathematics has applications to all fields of computer science, and to the physical and biological sciences. It is used extensively in telecommunications, information processing and manufacturing, and many businesses and industries use techniques of discrete optimization to improve the efficiency of their operations.
Discrete mathematics is a dynamic field in both theory and applications. Researchers in discrete mathematics have established important connections with mainstream areas of pure and applied mathematics, and as a consequence, research techniques and problems are drawn from a wide range of different fields, including algebra, topology, geometry, probability, analysis and logic.

The purpose of this conference is to highlight the major theoretical advances in the field, the development of new tools for discrete mathematics, and the most significant of the new applications of discrete mathematics to problems arising in industry and business. The conference also seeks to bring together participants from the many different environments where discrete mathematics is developed and applied.

Funding Agency


SIAM and the Conference Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation for its support of this conference.


Discrete Mathematics, including:

With connections to other disciplines including:

Organizing Committee

Michael Molloy (chair), University of Toronto, Canada

Peter Cameron, University of London, United Kingdom
Anne Condon, University of British Columbia, Canada
Bertrand Guenin, University of Waterloo, Canada
Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi,  National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Mohit Singh, Microsoft Research
Frank Sottile, Texas A&M University
Éva Tardos, Cornell Univeristy
Stéphan Thomassé, University of Montpellier, France
Van H. Vu, Rutgers University
Peter Winkler, Dartmouth College

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