Important Deadline Dates:
Abstracts: October 6th 2006
Papers: October 13 2006 11:59:59 PM, Pacific Standard Time
Notifications to Authors: December 20th 2006
Final Versions of Accepted Papers: January 26th 2007
Instructions for Submitting Final Versions of Accepted Papers:
Preparing Your Paper
We would like to encourage you to prepare your paper in LaTeX2e. Papers should be formatted using the SIAM SODA macro, which is available through the SIAM website. You can access it at The filename is soda2e.all. Make sure you use the macros for SODA proceedings; papers prepared using other proceedings macros will not be accepted.
No chapter numbers, running heads, or page numbers should be included in your file. If your paper does not meet these requirements, it may not be included in the proceedings.
Check your paper carefully for typos and send only the final version as SIAM will not be making any corrections to your file. If the title of your paper has changed since you submitted your abstract, please let us know. Additionally, if you have added or dropped an author, please let us know.
SIAM has designed the macro and formatting instructions to ensure a uniform presentation throughout the proceedings. If formatting instructions are not followed, we cannot guarantee that your paper will be included in the proceedings.
Page Limitation
Full papers should have a maximum length of 12 pages, short papers and poster papers a maximum length of 6 pages.
Because of the large number of contributors, we must ask you to adhere strictly to the page limitation specified. If your paper exceeds this amount, it may not be included in the proceedings.
Submission of Paper
You must submit your paper in .pdf format. PDFs must be created using Adobe Acrobat. If you are unable to create your PDF using Adobe Acrobat, please submit the Postscript file of your paper (with fonts embedded) to SIAM for PDF creation.
Name your file SubmissionID_lastname.pdf and submit it to, using the anonymous login. Place your file in the folder pub/incoming/datamining2007.
Please make sure that your file is transferred in binary mode. We are unable to receive files transferred in ASCII mode.
Please notify Sarah Granlund via e-mail ([email protected]) when you have ftp’d your files to SIAM. Due to the volume of submissions leading up to the due date, notification of receipt of your file may not be immediate.
Copyright Release
A signed copyright release must be submitted by the January 26, 2007 deadline. Please sign and mail or fax the copyright release (found here) to SIAM. We cannot publish your paper without this document.
The SIAM organizing committee invites technical papers related to all aspects of the knowledge discovery and data mining process. A sample list of topics and areas of interest can be found here.
Paper Submission Instructions:
Papers submitted to this conference must not have been accepted or be under review by another conference with a published proceedings or by a journal. The work may be either theoretical or applied, but should make a significant contribution to the field. Full papers should have a maximum length of 12 pages, short papers and poster papers a maximum length of 6 pages (single-spaced, 2 column, 10 point font, and at least 1" margin on each side). Authors should use US Letter (8.5" x 11") paper size. Papers must have an abstract with a maximum of 300 words and a keyword list with no more than 6 keywords. Authors are required to submit their papers electronically in PDF format (postscript files can be converted using standard convertors). For LaTeX users, please use the template available at:
Please use the SODA and Data Mining macro.
For Microsoft Word users, please convert your document to the PDF format.
Visit the SDM07 Conference Submission Site at to submit. At this website you will be able to upload your PDF file and select a Primary Subject Area for your paper. You should also select as many Secondary Areas and Keywords that apply to your submission. These selections are important to the review process and must be done with care. Note that papers may be reallocated to a more appropriate subject area if need be at the discretion of the program chairs.
Conflict of Interest Guidelines for Submissions:
As part of the submission procedure authors are asked to mark conflicts of interest with PC members.
A paper author has a conflict of interest with a PC member if any of the following hold:
1. The PC member is an advisee or advisor of any one of the authors. This applies to current and former advisees and advisors.
2. The PC member is a collaborator or co-author within the last two years of one of the authors. Collaborations include things like joint papers published or in submission as well as joint projects either in progress or within the last two years.
3. The PC member is a relative of one of the authors.
4. The PC member is part of the same organization or has been a part of the same organization as one of the authors within the last two years.
Inaccurate representation of conflicts of interest can result in the paper being rejected without review at the discretion of the program chairs.
If you believe there are other conditions causing a PC member to have a conflict of interest with your submitted paper please contact the PC chairs
at: sdm07.pc.chairs[AT] (replace AT with corresponding symbol).
Important Deadline Dates:
Abstracts: October 6th 2006
Papers: October 13 2006 11:59:59 PM, Pacific Standard Time
Notifications to Authors: December 20th 2006
Final Versions of Accepted Papers: January 26th 2007