Saturday, May 15

Special Functions and Fourier Series

3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Room: Georgia 1
Chair: Lila F. Roberts, Georgia Southern University

3:30-3:42 An Investigation of Pump Propagation in Solid State Lasers
Lila F. Roberts, Georgia Southern University
3:45-3:57 The Computation of Modified Bessel Functions
Bruce Fabijonas, and Daniel W. Lozier, National Institute of Standards and Technology; Frank W.J. Olver, University of Maryland, College Park; and Juri M. Rappoport, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
4:00-4:12 Numerical Investigation of Basic Fourier Series
Sergei K. Suslov, Arizona State University
New 4:15-4:27 General Attacks on Unkeyed Hash Functions and Digital Signature Schemes
P. Caballero-Gil and UpdatedM. I. Dorta-Gonzalez, University of Laguna, Canary Island, Spain

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tjf, 1/18/99, MMD, 3/15/99