Friday, May 14

Advances in Validated Solution of ODEs: Theory, Software, and Applications

10:30 AM-12:30 PM
Room: Savannah 2

The speakers in this minisymposium will present advances in theory, software, and applications of validated ODE solution. They will discuss algorithmic advances in validated computation over long periods, including applications to near-earth asteroid orbits; a validated ODE solver, with an OO design for easy inclusion of alternative algorithms; a class of validated Runge-Kutta methods, contrasting with standard methods based on Automatic Differentiation and Taylor Series; and a design of a validated solver for smooth differential-algebraic systems of arbitrarily high index.

Organizers: John D. Pryce
RMCS, Cranfield University, United Kingdom
George F. Corliss
Marquette University

10:30-10:55 Verified ODE Integration with Taylor Models: Dependency Problem, Wrapping Effect, and Error Budgets
Martin Berz, Michigan State University
11:00-11:25 Towards Assessing Validated Methods for IVPs for ODEs
Ned Nedialkov and Kenneth Jackson, University of Toronto, Canada
11:30-11:55 Error Bounds for Runge-Kutta Methods and Validated Solution of ODEs
Knut Petras, Technische Universitämt Braunschweig, Germany
12:00-12:25 Designing a Validated DAE Solver
John D. Pryce, Organizer

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tjf, 1/19/99, MMD, 2/2/99