Tuesday, May 11

Nonlinear Optimization Applied to High Explosive Materials

3:30 PM-5:30 PM
Room: Atlanta 3

The speakers in this minisymposium will discuss application of nonlinear optimization methods to research in explosives. Annually, we use approximatly 5 billion pounds of explosives just for rock blasting. The speakers willl describe an optimization modeling environment, based on the GLO (Global Local Optimizer) software package. GLO is coupled to large scientific software codes, running them in a loop, globally or locally optimizing the parameter that describe the response of materials to explosions. The difficulty of applying optimization methods to explosive response is the highly nonlinear behavior of materials at high pressure.

Organizers: Michael J. Murphy
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Ernest L. Baker
US Army

3:30-3:55 Overview of Coupling Nonlinear Optimization with Large Scientific Software Applications
Michael J. Murphy, Organizer
4:00-4:25 High Pressure Equation of State Optimization for High Explosives
Ernest L. Baker, Organizer
4:30-4:55 Optimization of Impactor Design for Taylor Wave Shock Profiles
Roger W. Minich, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
5:00-5:25 Reverse Engineering of Viscoelastic Constitutive Parameters for Compliant High Explosives
Michael E. Nixon, Air Force Research Laboratory

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MMD, 12/21/98