Instructions for Authors
Note regarding SIAM's macros: Authors are highly encouraged to prepare their papers using SIAM's standard LaTeX 2e macros. Although doing so is optional, using the SIAM macros enables features that will aid editors and referees during review as well as reducing the time needed to process a paper after acceptance. If an author chooses not to use the SIAM macros, the SIAM office will reformat Plain TeX and AMSTeX files to use SIAM's standard LaTeX 2e macros after the paper has been accepted for publication. The SIAM standard LaTeX 2e macro package and documentation are available here or by email request to [email protected].
Submitting a Manuscript
Submissions to SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC) must be in electronic form. Hard-copy submissions will not be considered. Please enter submissions directly into the Journal Submission & Tracking System at Authors should submit both the manuscript and a cover letter in PDF format. Note: Figures, if any, must be embedded "inline" in the manuscript.
SISC’s Editorial Policy specifies that authors must specify which of three journal sections their paper fits.
- Methods and Algorithms for Scientific Computing
- Computational Methods in Science and Engineering
- Software and High-Performance Computing
Authors can do this through the submission form at
If you have not used the Journal Submission & Tracking System previously click on "New authors should register for an account." Fill out name, address, e-mail and other contact information requested. You now have a username and password. If you're an author, you can click on the Submit Manuscript link under Author Tasks. The manuscript submission process, including uploading your files, should take no longer than a few minutes. Instructions for using the Journal Submission & Tracking System are available here.
If you have any questions at any time, e-mail SIAM directly at [email protected].
Submission of a manuscript to SISC is representation by the author that the manuscript has not been published or submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.
Submission of an extended version of conference proceedings will be considered only if (i) the work is significantly revised and extended, and (ii) the previous appearance is explicitly indicated in both the cover letter to SIAM and a footnote on the first page.
If your paper contains material (for example, tables or figures) from another source, that material must be accompanied by written permission from the copyright holder. Permission is needed in cases of alternations to the original, as well. Complete addresses (including e-mail addresses and fax and phone numbers) should be provided for all authors. To assist referees unpublished references can also be submitted with an indication of wther they have been accepted for publication
Authors may suggest an editor from among those listed on the journal's masthead, but the Editor-in-Chief has the exclusive right to assign papers to members of the editorial board. The editors reserve the right to reject any manuscript that does not conform to the journal's standards.
Supplementary Materials: Authors are encouraged to submit Supplementary Materials to complement articles in SISC. Supplementary Materials are not refereed but will be available to referees. These might include additional figures or examples, animations, data sets used in the paper, computer code used to generate figures or tables, or other materials that are necessary to fully document the research in the paper or to facilitate the readers' ability to understand and extend the work. See Supplementary Materials for more information.
Original scholarship: A large duplication of another author's or one's own work is a sign of poor scholarship. There is also a copyright issue if the source is not cited. Your manuscript should provide proper citations, use quotation marks or indentation (for quotations of five or more lines) to indicate borrowed wording, and minimize duplication. Refusal by an author to make these necessary changes is grounds for rejection.
Potentially Offensive Material: There is no general rule on what material is appropriate for publication in SIAM Publications. However, if a handling editor believes that the use of some material (text, images, etc.) may offend SIAM readers, the publication reverts to the editor-in-chief who will engage in an exchange with the authors on the need for the particular material and whether alternatives can be identified to express the same results. Unless the authors can make convincing arguments that the particular material is essential to convey the scientific contribution, it is expected that the material be replaced prior to review and further consideration for publication.
Resubmission: A resubmission of a manuscript previously rejected by this or another SIAM journal will be treated as a new submission, with the history of the manuscript made available to the handling editor and, if necessary, also referees. The cover letter should include the criticism in the referee reports and a detailed description of how the manuscript has been revised to meet all the criticism of the original submission. As a new submission, there is no guarantee that it will be handled by the same associate editor or that the original referees will be involved in the evaluation.
ORCID: SIAM is a member of ORCID - - a central registry of researchers. Authors submitting papers to SIAM journals can log in to the submission system ( through their ORCID account, or can go to their SIAM system profile to connect their ORCID to their SIAM journals work. If the paper is accepted and published, SIAM Journals Online will display an icon next to the author’s name which links to their ORCID page, which can in turn list their published article if the author chooses.
SIAM encourages authors to take advantage of ORCID’s capability, which can be viewed as a DOI for an individual. Wherever it is used, this unique identifier then pulls together the individual’s work and professional activities from across publications, disciplines and workplaces. The researcher controls, through his or her ORCID account, which work and activities are publicly displayed.
Those interested can register for an ORCID ID at Use it for login at manuscript submission, or contact SIAM at [email protected] to add it to your account.
TeX papers: Authors of accepted papers are encouraged to submit their TeX files to SIAM for typesetting. (SIAM cannot accept electronic files for papers produced on any other typesetting or word processing system.) More detailed information on SIAM's TeX-typesetting procedures is sent to authors upon receipt of manuscript submissions.
Illustrations: All illustrations must be of professional quality with no handwritten elements. Note that tables and algorithms are not considered figures and should not be treated as such. Illustrations must be numbered consecutively and cited in the text. If your article is accepted for publication, SIAM will accept electronic (TeX, PDF, PNG, JPG, and EPS) figure files. Hand-drawn artwork will not be accepted. SIAM will not redraw figures. Illustrations must use lines 1 point or thicker; thinner lines may break up or disappear when printed. When choosing line weight and character size, keep in mind that illustrations may be reduced.
Color text and color figures: SIAM journals are printed in black and white. For optimum quality all text within the article must be in black. Though art may appear in color online, it is printed in color only when it is deemed by the editor to be scientifically necessary. If it is your wish or expectation that any of the figures in your paper appear in color in the printed version, please inform us immediately. Color art that is not deemed scientifically necessary by the editor can be printed in color at the author's expense.
Title: Titles should be brief and appropriate for indexing and should specifically describe the content of the paper.
Abstract: An abstract not exceeding 250 words that summarizes the principal techniques and conclusions of the manuscript in relation to known results must accompany each manuscript. Because the abstract must be able to stand independently, mathematical formulas and bibliographic references should be kept to a minimum; bibliographic references must be written out in full (not given by number).
Key words and AMS subject classifications: Lists of key words and AMS subject classifications must accompany all articles. The subject classifications are listed in the Annual Index of Mathematical Reviews and can be accessed or searched online at
Abbreviated title: An abbreviated title, which will be used as a running head, must accompany all articles, must not consist of more than 50 characters (including spaces), and must not contain abbreviations.
References: References should be listed in either alphabetical order or order of citation at the end of the manuscript. The following reference styles should be used:
- Journal articles (titles of journals should be abbreviated in accordance with Mathematical Reviews; abbreviations are available at
[7] R. T. Rockafellar, Lagrange multipliers and optimality, SIAM Rev., 35 (1993), pp. 183-238.
- Books, pamphlets, research reports:
[2] B. Mandelbrot, Fractal: Form, Chance and Dimension, W. H. Freeman, San Francisco, CA, 1977.
- Paper in a bound collection:
[4]A. Nagurney, Parallel computation of economic equilibria, in Applications on Advanced Architecture Computers, G. Astfalk, ed., SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 1996, pp. 265-276.
- Acceptable variants on SIAM's references style are:
[R] R. T. Rockafellar, Lagrange multipliers and optimality, SIAM Rev., 35 (1993), pp. 183-238.
R. T. Rockafellar (1993), Lagrange multipliers and optimality, SIAM Rev., 35, pp. 183-238.
Page limit policy: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing has a page limit policy of approximately 20 journal pages. This limit can be exceeded; however, substantial deviation from the limit requires that the referees, editor, and editor-in-chief be convinced that a longer paper is required.