Student Chapters

ISM Dhanbad

A SIAM student chapter resides at one or more colleges or universities, and ideally involves students and faculty members from different departments. The purpose of a chapter is to generate interest in applied mathematics and computational science by providing students opportunities to:

SIAM encourages interdisciplinary participation by students from many departments on campus. Chapters include students from departments including math, applied math, mathematical sciences, statistics, computer science, engineering, economics, physics, and other sciences. The activities of student chapters can include lunch discussions about career opportunities in applied math and computational science, lectures given by guest speakers, team projects such as undergraduate competitions, social functions, and field trips to industrial laboratories or SIAM section meetings.

Why start a chapter at your school? [PDF, 7MB]

Current Student SIAM Chapters
Contact information for each university or college chapter.siam student chapter

Benefits of Students Chapters
Free membership and more!

Free Student Memberships

SIAM provides up to $500 per academic year for each student chapter to support guest speakers, refreshments for chapter meetings, and other activities.

Forms & Information for Student Chapters

Sample Chapter Activities
Chapter activities from Auburn University and University of Colorado.

Start a Student Chapter
Everything you need to know to get started.

Orientation Information for New Chapters

Certificate of Recognition
SIAM recognizes students for outstanding service and contributions to SIAM Student Chapters.

Communicating With Other Chapters
Find out what other chapters are doing. Use the Student Chapters electronic mailing list or check out the SIAM Student Chapters Facebook page.

Photo: At a chapter seminar, The SIAM Student Chapter ISM Dhanbad (Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad) members. Click here to see more Student Chapter Photos .

For more information about chapters, contact Membership Manager Tim Fest or Membership Coordinator Nancy Snell.

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