Journal Committee
Name | Term Ending |
Pam Cook | [email protected] | 2020 |
Howard Elman | [email protected] | 2018 |
Jerry Griggs | [email protected] | 2019 |
Max Gunzburger | [email protected] | 2019 |
Ilse Ipsen | [email protected] | 2018 |
Tasso Kaper | [email protected] | 2020 |
Tamara Kolda, Chair | [email protected] | 2018 |
Michael J. Miksis | [email protected] | 2019 |
Michael Overton | [email protected] | 2018 |
Ulrich Ruede | [email protected] | 2019 |
Ronnie Sircar | [email protected] | 2020 |
Journal Committee Charge
The Journal Committee of the Publications Committee is charged with
performing some or all of the following tasks:
- Evaluate and respond quickly to proposals for new journals. Make
recommendations on new journal proposals to the Vice President for
Publications, SIAM Board, and SIAM Council. - Analyze the journal program to ensure that subject areas covered
adequately reflect the needs of the SIAM membership and the applied
mathematics, scientific computing, and computational science communities
at large and that the journals remain current with the changes in those
and related fields. - Monitor journal editorial board structures to ensure that the
models used best serve the authors and editors. - Analyze and recommend effective ways to integrate the Internet
into the publications program, such as electronic-only supplements to
journal articles. - Monitor free vs. fee-based delivery mechanisms for print and
electronic publications.
Questions that the Journal Committee should revisit periodically include:
- What is the mission of the suite of SIAM journals? How can SIAM journals best serve this mission?
- How much control should EICs have over the editorial policy of their journal?
- Should guidelines be established about rejecting papers without review
when those papers are perceived to fall outside the scope of the journal?
These are just some of the issues related to the SIAM journal program that could be analyzed and evaluated; others may arise in the course of committee discussions.
Members of the Journal Committee will be appointed by the President in consultation with the Vice President for Publications. Members will serve three-year terms, renewable once with the approval of the President. The President appoints the committee Chair in consultation with the VP for Publications. Under normal circumstances the committee Chair will serve a three-year term, renewable once with the approval of the President.
The committee reports to the VP for Publications.The committee will annually present a report to the VP for Publications. The VP for Publications will serve ex officio on the committee, but will not chair it. Much of the committee's discussion will take place by phone and email, but one face-to-face meeting per year would be beneficial.