
SIAM conferences focus on timely topics in applied and computational mathematics and applications and provide a place for members to exchange ideas and to expand their network of colleagues in both academia and industry. The SIAM Annual Meeting provides a broad view of the state of the art in applied mathematics, computational science and their applications.

Announcement: SIAM has changed its conference registration process. Information about the new system is here.

SIAM Conference Calendar

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SIAM Presents ... Featured Lectures from our Archives

Since 2008 SIAM has recorded presentation at many of our conferences.

Archives and Future Meetings

Visit past and future conference websites.

Advertising and Exhibits

Conferences provide advertisers with a targeted audience, specific to the topics and themes to be covered at that conference.

Meetings in Cooperation with SIAM

Upcoming and archived meetings, and guidelines for cooperation

Ways to Sponsor

SIAM conferences attract professionals in applied and computational mathematics from throughout the United States and abroad.

Meeting Guidelines

How to plan and implement a SIAM meeting or conference.

Travel Support

Information on SIAM Travel awards and NSF funded Early Career Attendees support.

AV Information

Forms and guidelines.

Propose a Meeting

Information about how to propose a new conference or workshop to be run by or sponsored by SIAM and how to organize a SIAG conference outside North America.

Contact Conferences

A staff directory with mailing address, email and phone numbers.


SIAM produces electronic proceedings for five of its meetings.  Proceedings included peer-reviewed papers and are a record of the research presented at the meeting.   Meetings currently with proceedings include Algorithm Engineering and Experiments, Analytic Algorithms and Combinatorics, Control and Its Applications, Data Mining, and Symposium on Discrete Algorithms.

Caption: Photo taken during the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS07) in Snowbird, Utah.

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