Join SIAM 
As an international society of almost 14,000 individual members, SIAM represents mathematicians, computer scientists, engineers, physicists, and a variety of other scientists. Members are researchers, educators, practitioners, and students from over 100 countries working in industry, laboratories, government, and academia. Through publications, conferences, and community, SIAM strives to build cooperation between mathematics and the worlds of science and technology. The best way to show that you appreciate what SIAM does is to join.
See what some of our finest members from industry and academia have to say about SIAM:
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Take a minute to look through the wide-ranging benefits of SIAM membership.
Whether you’re a post-doc or an undergraduate, or you’ve worked for 30 years in an industry setting, we have many types of individual membership. Take a look at the various discounts and benefits that come with each membership type.
Here’s our pricing.
Check out the 2018 Join SIAM brochure!