New SIAM President Elected

December 20, 2007

Continuing in the tradition of enthusiastic leadership that the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) has seen since its founding in 1952, the membership chose Douglas N. Arnold to become the next president, serving a two-year term beginning January 1, 2009. Arnold will serve SIAM as President-Elect, starting January 1, 2008, and as Past President in 2011.

Arnold has served as Director of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) and as a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota since 2001. His seven-year term as Director will end in 2008. He has been the recipient of numerous awards and honors, serves on the editorial boards of several journals, and has been designated as a Highly Cited Author by Thomson ISI. Arnold's research interests include numerical analysis, partial differential equations, mechanics, and particularly, the interplay between these fields.

As President and in the next year as President-Elect, Arnold's goals include more actively engaging and supporting those who work in industry and throughout the scientific community, increasing SIAM's international presence and service to non-U.S. members, and welcoming, serving and growing its underrepresented groups. "SIAM faces other challenges as well," he noted, "including remaining at the forefront of scientific communication in the face of rapidly changing technology and economic imperatives, and the always important, but difficult job of educating policy makers, the public, and young people about the crucial � and exciting � role of mathematical research and development."

Arnold understands the challenges he faces, and is enthusiastic about his new leadership role with SIAM. "In my thirty year association with SIAM, I have come to value it greatly for its vibrant, multi-faceted, and effective service to the worldwide applied mathematics and computational science communities," Arnold said in his candidate statement. "With its excellent publications, diverse offerings of meetings, increasingly engaged activity groups, and ever more effective advocacy, it accomplishes a great deal. Success and progress bring new opportunities and challenges, and I welcome the chance to work with the SIAM officers, Council, Board, staff, and membership to address these."

Every two years, SIAM relies on its membership to elect its officers; representatives to the Council and Board of Trustees are elected annually. Those selected govern SIAM activities and make important decisions on behalf of all members.

Complete election results can be found at

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is an international community of over 11,000 individual members, including applied and computational mathematicians, computer scientists, and other scientists and engineers. The Society advances the fields of applied mathematics and computational science by publishing a series of premier journals and a variety of books, and producing a wide selection of conferences. More information about SIAM is available at

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