NSF Announces Petascale Computing Program (PetaApps)

July 30, 2008

The National Science Foundation has announced a solicitation for proposals for Accelerating Discovery in Science and Engineering Through Petascale Simulations and Analysis (petaapps).

The deadline for proposals is October 30, 2008.

The full announcement may be found at http://nsf.gov/pubs/2008/nsf08592/nsf08592.htm.

This new multidisciplinary program "seeks proposals to develop the future simulation and analysis tools that can use petascale computing to advance the frontiers of scientific and engineering research." Centered in the Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI), the program involves people from across the scientific and engineering directorates at NSF.

Grant sizes are anticipated to be somewhat larger than average: the solicitation indicates that 11 to 16 awards are anticipated, with a total budget of $18 million (including out-year commitments).

The solicitation seeks grand challenges and innovative development of petascale computing methods to attack those problems:

"Proposers must be prepared to demonstrate that they have a research challenge requiring petascale computing and that they have a path to exploiting such computation capabilities effectively. Such a path might consist of exploring new ideas for how to scale algorithms and codes from current computing capabilities to the petascale level, for the development of new algorithms and techniques that exploit O(1,000,000) processors and deep memory hierarchies, or for algorithms that require hundreds of terabytes of memory. Research outcomes should demonstrate an ability to solve the science or engineering research challenge identified. "

See the solicitation at http://nsf.gov/pubs/2008/nsf08592/nsf08592.htm for further details.

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