International math society collaborating in China

August 12, 2009

SIAM has made it easier for local mathematicians and scientists to join

Professional applied mathematicians and computational scientists living in the People's Republic of China can join the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) more easily than ever before thanks to SIAM's improved efforts allowing residents to join through a local contact, use applications written in Chinese, and pay in local currency (RMB yuan). Headquartered in the United States, SIAM is the preeminent international applied math society with over 12,000 members worldwide, including 630 in China and other countries throughout Asia.

Chinese residents have the option to join as regular members for 889 RMB yuan (127 USD) or as outreach members for 70 RBM yuan (10 USD). Regular members receive full benefits of SIAM membership, including SIAM News, both print and electronic access to SIAM Review, journal subscriptions at member rates, discounts on books and conference registration, ability to vote in SIAM elections, and the ability to join any SIAM Activity Group (SIAG). Outreach members receive a slightly altered but still significant bundle of member benefits. For full details about the benefits of a SIAM membership, visit Interested individuals in China can join SIAM at

"China has a large and active group of applied and computational mathematicians, some of the highest quality," said Douglas N. Arnold, SIAM President. "Through individual membership in SIAM, these scientists will have closer connections to the international community, and SIAM will benefit from their involvement and ideas. It's a win-win situation. That's why I have made this a major priority at the start of my presidency."

SIAM has maintained a presence in East and South East Asia since 1998 when the East Asian Section of SIAM (EASIAM) was established. The section furthers basic research and education in mathematics that supports applications in science and technology in the region and advances multidisciplinary research in science and engineering involving mathematics made up of about 430 members from almost 20 countries. EASIAM sponsors an annual conference and organizes an annual student paper competition, among other activities. For more information on the East Asian Section of SIAM, visit



The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is an international community of over 12,000 individual members, including applied and computational mathematicians, computer scientists, and other scientists and engineers. The Society advances the fields of applied mathematics and computational science by publishing a series of premier journals and a variety of books, sponsoring a wide selection of conferences, and through various other programs. More information about SIAM is available at

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