BMSA Launches New Major Math 2025 Study

September 23, 2010

The Board on Math Sciences and its Applications (BMSA) launched a major new study assessing the current state of the mathematical sciences and emerging trends. The study began with a meeting of the panel at the National Academy of Science's Keck Center on September 20 and 21, 2010.

The list of distinguished members of the panel for the study may be found at

The abstract for the NSF grant funding the study states the goals:

"The proposed study will produce a forward-looking assessment of the current state of the mathematical sciences and of emerging trends that will affect the discipline and its stakeholders as they look ahead to the quarter century mark. Specifically, the study will assess (a) the vitality of research in the mathematical sciences, looking at such aspects as the unity and coherence of research, significance of recent developments, rate of progress at the frontiers, and emerging trends; and (b) the impact of research and training in the mathematical sciences on science and engineering; on industry and technology; on innovation and economic competitiveness; on national security; and other areas of national interest. "

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