SIAM Launches e-book Program

October 14, 2010

Beginning January 2011, SIAM books will expand their availability and ease of access by launching a new e-book program.

For more than 50 years, SIAM books have been a leading source of knowledge for the world's applied mathematics and computational science communities. SIAM's line-up of stellar, prize-winning authors and titles that address both timely and fundamental topics have made SIAM books indispensible to researchers, faculty, and students around the world.

Now, for the first time, the SIAM library of approximately 400* books will be available for institutions to offer to their users electronically, via purchase or subscription. (*The January launch will include ~ 200 titles. The remaining ~200 will be added over the next few months.)

And just as important as our e-book launch is the limited-time discount we're offering. From now until June 30, 2011, buyers and subscribers get a budget-saving 20% discount off the list price of our e-book access plans.

For more information please visit

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