New Titles from SIAM

March 14, 2006

SIAM is pleased to announce the recent publication of the following books:

Exact and Approximate Modeling of Linear Systems: A Behavioral Approach
Ivan Markovsky, Jan C. Willems, Sabine Van Huffel, and Bart De Moor
March 2006

Elegantly introduces the behavioral approach to mathematical modeling, an approach that requires models to be viewed as sets of possible outcomes rather than to be a priori bound to particular representations. The authors discuss exact and approximate fitting of data by linear, bilinear, and quadratic static models and linear dynamic models, a formulation that enables readers to select the most suitable representation for a particular purpose.

Solving PDEs in C++: Numerical Methods in a Unified Object-Oriented Approach
Yair Shapira
January 2006

"There are dozens of excellent books on C++ and object-oriented programming, but very few of them put the language into the perspective of scientific computing. The introductory part of the present book acts as a language introduction, while the main contents focus on how C++ can be used to implement numerical algorithms. I would say that this is a long-awaited type of textbook in the scientific computing community." -- Hans Petter Langtangen, Professor, Simula Research Laboratory and University of Oslo, Norway.

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