Massey Recognized with Blackwell-Tapia Prize

May 3, 2006

The winner of the 2006 Blackwell-Tapia Prize is William Massey of Princeton University [see for a press release].

The Blackwell-Tapia Prize is given once every two years to a mathematical scientist who has contributed and continues to contribute significantly to research in his or her field of expertise and who has served as a role model for mathematical scientists and students from under-represented minority groups or contributed in other significant ways to addressing the problem of the under-representation of minorities in mathematics. It is awarded in conjunction with the Blackwell-Tapia Conference. The aim of this conference is to inform the next generation of students about career opportunities in mathematics and to provide a chance for them to network with other students and with mathematical scientists who play a leadership role in their communities.

The 2006 BT conference will be held at the IMA (Institute for Mathematics and its Applications) on November 3 and 4.

The Blackwell-Tapia Conference complements the Diversity Day activities held at the SIAM Annual Meeting.

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