Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures
The Activity Group on Nonlinear Waves & Coherent Structures (NWCS) fosters collaborations among applied mathematicians, physicists, fluid dynamicists, engineers, and biologists in those areas of research related to the theory, development, and use of nonlinear waves and coherent structures. It promotes and facilitates nonlinear waves and coherent structures as an academic discipline; brokers partnerships between academia, industry, and government laboratories; and works with other professional societies to promote NWCS.
The activity group organizes the biennial SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves & Coherent Structures; awards The Martin Kruskal Lecture every two years to recognize a notable body of mathematics and contributions in the field of nonlinear waves and coherent structures; awards the T. Brooke Benjamin Prize in Nonlinear Waves every two years to a mid-career established researcher for recent outstanding work on a topic in nonlinear waves; and maintains a member directory and an electronic mailing list.
- Chair: Peter Miller, email 1/1/17 - 12/31/18
- Vice Chair: Douglas Wright, email 1/1/17 - 12/31/18
- Program Director: Todd Kapitula, email 1/1/17 - 12/31/18
- Secretary: Katie Oliveras, email 1/1/17 - 12/31/18
SIAG/NWCS chair Edgar Knobloch awarding the Martin Kruskal Prize
to Mark Ablowitz.