Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications with Python and MATLAB, Second Edition

Amir Beck



Second Edition Files

Python codes


First Edition Files

Download the M-files associated with the book.
Additional Exercises

Lecture slides based on the book (these link will redirect you to GoogleDrive):

  1. Mathematical Preliminaries (without layers/with layers)
  2. Unconstrained Optimization (without layers/with layers)
  3. Least Squares (without layers/with layers)
  4. The Gradient Method (without layers/with layers)
  5. Newton's Method (without layers/with layers)
  6. Convex Sets (without layers/with layers)
  7. Convex Functions (without layers/with layers)
  8. Convex Optimization (without layers/with layers)
  9. Optimization over a Convex Set (without layers/with layers)
  10. Linearly Constrained Problems (without layers/with layers)
  11. The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions (without layers/with layers)
  12. Duality (without layers/with layers)


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