Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX10)

January 16, 2010
Hyatt Regency Austin, Austin, Texas


The list of accepted papers is now available. [PDF, 15KB]

Program Committee

Workshop Co-chairs:
Guy Blelloch, Carnegie Mellon University
Dan Halperin, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Edith Cohen, AT&T Labs- Research
Daniel Delling, Karlsruhe University, Germany and Microsoft Research
Matteo Frigo, Cilk Arts
Bernd Gärtner, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Phillip Gibbons, Intel Research Pittsburgh
Giuseppe Italiano, University of Rome, Italy
Ulrich Meyer, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Rasmus Pagh, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Satish Rao, University of California, Berkeley
Clifford Stein, Columbia University
Robert Tarjan, Princeton University and HP Labs
Anke van Zuylen, Tsinghua University, China
Yusu Wang, Ohio State University


The Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX10) will be held on January 16, 2010, at the Hyatt Regency Austin, Austin, Texas.

The aim of the ALENEX workshop is to provide a forum for presentation of original research in the implementation and experimental evaluation of algorithms and data structures. We invite submissions that present significant case studies in experimental analysis (such studies may tighten, extend, or otherwise improve current theoretical results) or in the implementation, testing, and evaluation of algorithms for realistic environments and scenarios, including specific applied areas (for example, databases, networks, operations research, computational biology and physics, computational geometry, and the world wide web) that present unique challenges in their underlying algorithmic problems. We also invite submissions that address methodological issues and standards in the context of empirical research on algorithms and data structures. The scientific program will include time for discussion and debate of topics in this rapidly evolving research area.

This workshop precedes the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA10), being held January 17-19, 2010.  The workshop will take place on the same day as the Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO10). Since researchers in both fields are approaching the problem of learning detailed information about the performance of particular algorithms, we expect that interesting synergies will develop.

Registrants from either workshop will be cross-registered with the other. Proceedings of ALENEX and ANALCO will be published openly and electronically in January 2010. A special issue of the ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics will be dedicated to selected papers from ALENEX10.

A paper that has been reviewed and accepted for presentation at SODA is not eligible for submission to ALENEX. We recognize, however, that some research projects spawn multiple papers that elaborate on different aspects of the work, and are willing to respond to inquiries about SODA, ALENEX, and ANALCO papers that may overlap. Papers of interest to both the ALENEX and the ANALCO communities are particularly encouraged. Such papers may be submitted to either workshop and will, as appropriate, be presented in a joint session. Inquiries regarding ALENEX may be sent to workshop organizers Guy Blelloch, Carnegie Mellon University, or Dan Halperin, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

The ALENEX workshop is supported by SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) and SIGACT (ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory).

Important Deadlines

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

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