Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences

December 1, 2010

International Graduate Training Centre in Mathematical Biology

The PIMS International Graduate Training Centre in Mathematical Biology invites applicants for IGTC fellowships for the 2011�2012 academic year. Fellowships are worth up to $10K a year and are for students working in mathematical biology at PIMS universities (Alberta, British Columbia, Calgary, Regina, Saskatchewan, Simon Fraser, and Victoria).

Faculty members who know of students who have demonstrated excellence and who are currently applying to or are already enrolled in PIMS graduate programmes are urged to encourage these students to apply.

There are also opportunities for students to enroll in the programme. All students can benefit from IGTC graduate training elements, including annual research summits, summer courses, new term-time courses, seminars, graduate student exchanges, and international visitors.

Full details about the IGTC Programme and the application process can be found at:

Students with further questions can contact: IGTC coordinator, Maryna Yaskina, [email protected], or programme director Mark Lewis, [email protected].

The application deadline is February 8, 2011.

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