Letters to the Editor
April 14, 2012
To the Editor:
Today I noticed that a junior in my undergraduate differential geometry class had an interesting pen. "Is that a SIAM pen?" I asked. (I love SIAM pens. They're the #2 reason I go to SIAM meetings.) Indeed it was. "How did you get it?" I asked. "I'm a SIAM member," came the reply.
"How did you learn about SIAM?" I wondered. "From a grad student friend at Berkeley who told me SIAM was a great organization," the student replied.
Wow, I thought. All the way to California to find out about a great SIAM chapter at UMBC. [See UMBC chapter photos.--ed.]
From there, we segued into a conversation about the Careers Column in SIAM News, and on to the Careers in Math event our local PiMuEpsilon chapter is organizing. Oh, and the fact that the student's SIAM membership was free. "If you're interested in applied math," I told the class, "SIAM is indeed a great organization."
John Zweck
Mathematics and Statistics University of Maryland Baltimore County
P.S. And the #1 reason I attend SIAM meetings? Because my wife, who edits that Careers Column, loves to go.