SIAM News: Volume 40, Number 2, March 2007
- A New Mathematics-Inspired Understanding of Breathing and the Brain
- Ben Noble: A Grand Legacy in Applied Mathematics
- Distinctive Roles for Dendrites in Neuronal Computation
- Dynamics of Central Pattern Generating Networks: Locus of Control
- Geometry, Partial Differential Equations, and the Brain
- Hong Kong Students Rise To Wide-Open Math Challenge
- Invasion of the Shapeshifters
- Linking Dynamcis to Function in Weakly Electric Fish
- Long-time Interest in Biorhythms Settles Into Fascination with Oscillations in Cognition
- Mathematics and the Brain: Celebrate Math Awareness Month April 2007
- Mathematics of the Brain---But What About Mathematics in the Brain?
- Mystery Numerical Analysts
- Neuronal Dynamics and the Basal Ganglia
- Neuronal Information Encoding and Reduction of Dimension in Network Dynamics
- Neurophysiology and Waves
- Phase-Resetting Curves and Neuromodulation of Action Potential Dynamics in the Cortex
- Signal Processing and Statistical Challenges in Neuroscience Data Analysis
- The Finite Element Method in EEG/MEG Source Analysis
- The Inverse Problem of Magnetoencephalography: Source Localization and the Shape of a Ball
- The Triumphal March of the FFT (And the Ambiguities of Comprehension)