ACES student workshop a success
January 9, 2007

Participants in ACES Workshop held at Emory University, organized by four SIAM student chapters.
Taking the activities of SIAM university student chapters to the next level, a SIAM southeast regional student conference was held at Emory University on December 2 and 3. The aim was to provide a forum for both the presentation of individual student research as well as the exchange of ideas for possible future collaborations between the chapters of the universities at Auburn, Clemson, Emory, and South Carolina (ACES). Therefore also known as ACES workshop, this meeting was organized by Colton Magnant of Emory, with support by Ken Keating of Emory and Alexander Engau of Clemson, all three doctoral students in the Mathematical Sciences, and funded through the SIAM chapters at Emory and Clemson University, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Emory University, and the Emory Graduate Student Council.
With approximately 50 participants, consisting of students, friends, and faculty from the ACES schools and North Carolina State University, the workshop program was put together to include 17 student presentations on a variety of topics from both pure and applied mathematics, including algebra, graph theory, image analysis, computing systems, PDEs, statistics, and operations research. The welcome and opening remarks were provided by Lisa A. Tedesco, Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs - Graduate Studies at Emory University, who recognized the outstanding scholarship of all workshop participants and vividly encouraged other students to follow their example in stimulating discussions and supporting the steady and mutual exchange of ideas.
In the additional effort to build the basis for collaborative chapter activities in the future years, much room was given to common social activities, including a tour to the CNN studio and a following dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe in downtown Atlanta. As it turned out that many participants share many other interests besides their fascination for mathematics, it did not take a long until the call for a second ACES had arisen, and it is good news that the Clemson chapter has volunteered in hosting the next edition of this workshop, to take place in the fall of 2007. In thankful appreciation to our sponsors and all participants this year, we would also like to extend the invitation to other schools and SIAM chapters in the southeast to join our efforts and make their personal contribution to a new generation of SIAM chapter activities and, thus, to our society as a whole.
- Colton Magnant, Alex Engau, Ken Keating