SIAM Student Chapters Organize Local and Regional Conferences
April 1, 2010
Purdue University
The SIAM Student Chapter at Purdue University organized the Second Annual Computational Science & Engineering Student Conference 2010 on April 1. The conference focused on interdisciplinary research using computational science and engineering. For more information go to
Georgia Institute of Technology
The SIAM Student Chapter at Georgia Institute of Technology organized the 2010 Southeast SIAM Student Conference on March 6. The goal of the conference was to generate interest in applied mathematics and computational science. For more information go to
Columbia University
The SIAM Student Chapter at Columbia University organized the Spring 2010 SIAM Startup-Math Collaborative meeting on March 3. The conference presented mathematical, statistical, and computational problems arising from interesting real-world applications. Presenters included (micro-venture-capital matching for creative artists), (predicting what you'll watch), (predicting what you'll drink), (predicting who you'll date; featured in "Looking for a Date? A Site Suggests You Check the Data" in the February 13 issue of the New York Times: ) . For more information go to
Heriot-Watt/Edinburgh Chapter
The Edinburgh SIAM Student Chapter (organized by Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh) organized the Edinburgh SIAM Student Chapter Inaugural Conference on March 31, 2010. The conference featured two distinguished plenary speakers: Professor Sir David Wallace, Director of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Master of Churchill College in Cambridge; and Dr. Robert Leese, Director of the Smith Institute for Industrial Mathematics and System Engineering and Fellow of St. Catherine's College in Oxford). For more information go to
North Carolina State University
Members of the NCSU Chapter participated in the 34th SIAM Southeastern-Atlantic Section Conference on March 20-21 at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC.
Old Dominion University
The SIAM Student Chapter at Old Dominion University organized the Third Annual ODU SIAM Chapter Math Awareness Conference on April 10 in Norfolk, Virginia.
Oxford University
The SIAM Student Chapter at Oxford University organized the Third Annual Oxford SIAM Student Chapter Conference on February 9, 2010 at St. Anne's College, Oxford. The day consisted of a series of talks from graduate students working in applied mathematics as well as two plenary sessions and a poster competition. For more information go to
University of California, Davis
The UCDavis SIAM Student Chapter is organizing the Davis SIAM Student Research Conference (DSSRC) on May 7-8. The conference will feature keynote addresses by Hector D. Ceniceros and James A. Sethian as well as student talks and poster presentations. For more information go to
Shippensburg University
The SIAM Student Chapter at Shippensburg University, in partnership with the SIAM Student Chapters at University of Delaware, George Mason University, and University of Pittsburgh, organized the first SIAM/MAA Mid-Atlantic Regional Applied Mathematics Student Conference on March 20. The conference featured keynote speaker Robert Ghrist of the University of Pennsylvania. For more information go to
University of Manchester
The SIAM Student Chapter at University of Manchester is organizing the First Manchester SIAM Student Chapter Conference on April 26. The conference will feature talks by students, faculty members, and industry. For more information go to
University of Maryland Baltimore County
The UMBC SIAM Student Chapter is organizing the First Chesapeake SIAM Student Chapter Conference on April 27. The conference is for graduate students, undergraduates, and faculty working in applied mathematics and related disciplines. The conference will feature keynote speaker Doug Arnold, (McKnight Presidential Professor of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota, and SIAM President), a panel discussion with Arnold and students, and a poster session featuring regional graduate and undergraduate research. For more information go to
University of Houston
The SIAM Student Chapter at University of Houston organized the Fourth Annual Texas Applied Mathematics Meeting for Students (TAMMS), on March 26-27. The conference featured guest speaker Rafael de la Llave from the University of Texas and provided students the opportunity to present their research and build synergy among participants from universities throughout the region. For more information go to
Virginia Tech
The SIAM Student Chapter at Virginia Tech organized the SIAM Student Conference 2010 on Febuary 20. The conference provided a "practice session" for students to give them a comfortable forum in which to present the results of their research while getting advice and suggestions from their peers and mentors. The talks presented at this conference will be developed further for presentation at job interviews and at conferences, such as the SIAM SEAS conference at NCSU in Raleigh, North Carolina, and the 2010 SIAM Annual Meeting, in Pittsburgh, July 12-16. For more information go to