Editorial Policy
The SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications publishes papers on matrix and tensor theory, analysis, applications, and computation that are of interest to the applied and numerical linear algebra communities. Applications include such areas as signal processing, systems and control
theory, statistics, Markov chains, and mathematical biology.
Editorial Guidelines
All submissions to SIMAX must be well written and accessible to SIMAX readers, and should make a significant advance to the state of the art.
The introduction should contain a clear statement of the contributions of the work.
Theoretical papers should explain the potential significance of the results to applications or numerics.
Algorithmic/computational papers should compare new methods to state-of-the-art methods on a representative set of test problems.
Clarity of expression is expected. Authors are encouraged to be concise, without sacrificing clarity, and to limit the length of papers to 20 journal pages if possible. Longer papers will be considered when warranted by the subject matter. Some material, such as data, code, figures, and/or movies, may be posted with the paper as "supplementary materials" which are not refereed.
See SIMAX Supplementary Materials Instructions
for more information.
All related work should be cited in the manuscript. Related unpublished work by the author(s) should be provided with the submission so that editors and referees have access to it.
Substantial duplication of another author's or one's own work or writing is a sign of poor scholarship and can violate copyright if the source is not cited. Manuscripts should include proper citations, minimal duplication, and quotation marks or indentation for quotations of five or more lines.
If a paper appears elsewhere in any form other than as an archived preprint, authors must clearly indicate this in a footnote on the first page of the manuscript.
Submission of a manuscript to SIMAX is representation by the author that the manuscript and its results are not submitted and will not be submitted for publication elsewhere unless the manuscript is rejected or withdrawn from SIMAX.
Papers that appear in formal conference proceedings will not be published in SIMAX unless the majority of the SIMAX manuscript is devoted to significant results beyond those in the conference paper.
More detailed guidelines are given in the SIMAX Instructions for Authors.
Any questions about interpretation of these policies should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief.