Instructions for Authors
SIAM’s newest journal is now taking author submissions!
Part I: Ethical Policies
Original Scholarship
A large duplication of another author's or one's own work is a sign of poor scholarship. There is also a copyright issue if the source is not cited. Your manuscript must provide proper citations, use quotation marks or indentation (for quotations of five or more lines) to indicate borrowed wording, and minimize duplication. Failure to do so is grounds for rejection.
For further information: SIAM Policy on Authorial Integrity in Scientific Publication.
Prior Publication
With the exception of those works indicated clearly in both a cover letter and a footnote on the first page of the paper, the content of the manuscript, in whole or in part, cannot be submitted, accepted, or published elsewhere, including conference proceedings. Significant extensions of prior conference proceedings articles will be considered, but these will be judged primarily on the new material. This policy does not prohibit posting the manuscript on a preprint server or releasing it as a technical report. Submission of a manuscript to SIMODS is representation by the author that the manuscript has not been published or submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. If there is any possibility of a question around whether or not a work is overlapping, then it should be noted in the cover letter. If the potentially overlapping work is not yet publicly available, then a copy should be included for reference by the editors and referees.
Potentially Offensive Material
There is no general rule on what material is appropriate for publication in SIAM Publications. However, if a handling editor believes that the use of some material (text, images, etc.) may offend SIAM readers, the publication reverts to the editor-in-chief who will engage in an exchange with the authors on the need for the particular material and whether alternatives can be identified to express the same results. Unless the authors can make convincing arguments that the particular material is essential to convey the scientific contribution, it is expected that the material be replaced prior to review and further consideration for publication.
For further information: SIAM Policy on Potentially Offensive Material.
A resubmission of a manuscript previously rejected by this or another SIAM journal will be treated as a new submission, with the history of the manuscript made available to the handling editor and, if necessary, also referees. The cover letter should include a full response to the previous referee reports including a detailed description of how the manuscript has been revised to meet all the criticism of the original submission. As a new submission, there is no guarantee that it will be handled by the same editor or that the original referees will be involved in the evaluation.
If your paper contains material (for example, tables or figures) from another source, that material must be accompanied by written permission from the copyright holder. Permission is needed in cases of alterations to the original, as well. To assist referees, unpublished references can also be submitted with an indication of whether they have been accepted for publication.
Conflicts of Interest
It is vital to the field, as well as to the reputation of SIAM and its journals, that conflicts of interest be avoided. For any paper assigned to them, both editors and referees are required to declare any conflict of interest or even the appearance of one. This includes handling/refereeing papers authored by friends, colleagues, coworkers, and current or recent students or postdocs. Editors will do their utmost to avoid assigning papers that would present a conflict of interest, but self-reporting is also mandated due to the difficulty of tracking all affiliations of authors, referees, and editors. If there is a conflict of interest, it is SIAM policy that the manuscript be assigned to a different editor/referee. If there is an appearance of a conflict of interest but no actual conflict, then the situation should be referred to the editor-in-chief or the SIAM office for a final decision on how to proceed.
Papers Authored by Editorial Board Members
Papers authored by Editorial Board members are subject to the same anonymous peer-review process as other papers. Submissions to the journal authored by a Section Editor will be handled by the Editor-in-Chief. Submissions to the journal authored by the Editor-in-Chief will be directed to the Vice President for Publications, who will oversee the review process.
Manuscript Confidentiality
All manuscripts are submitted in confidence. Referees should not divulge the contents of the paper unless it is available as a publicly available preprint. Even in those cases, it should not be divulged that the paper has been submitted to the journal. A referee may request the permission of the editor to discuss the paper with others in certain cases, e.g., a professor may ask to share a paper with a PhD student who would assist in a review or vice versa.
Part II: Manuscript Preparation
See also Ethical Policies and Manuscript Submission.
TeX Papers & SIAM Macros
Although submissions are in PDF format, authors are highly encouraged to prepare their manuscripts using SIAM's standard LaTeX 2e macros. Using the SIAM macros enables features that aid editors and referees during review and reduces the time needed to process a paper after acceptance. Accepted papers request submission of LaTeX files to SIAM for typesetting.
Titles should be brief, appropriate for indexing, and specifically describe the content of the paper. An abbreviated title, which will be used as a running head, must accompany all articles, be 50 characters or less (including spaces), and not contain abbreviations.
A one-paragraph abstract, not exceeding 250 words, that summarizes the principal techniques and conclusions of the manuscript in relation to known results must accompany each manuscript. Because the abstract must be able to stand independently, mathematical formulas and bibliographic references should be kept to a minimum; bibliographic references must be written out in full (not given by number).
Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should be embedded in the text, not at the end of the document.
All illustrations must be of professional quality with no handwritten elements and no hand-drawn artwork. If your article is accepted for publication, SIAM will accept electronic (TeX, PDF, PNG, JPG, and EPS) figure files. SIAM will not redraw figures. Illustrations must use lines one point or thicker; thinner lines may break up or disappear when printed. When choosing line weight and character size, keep in mind that illustrations may be reduced. Note that tables and algorithms are not considered figures and should not be labeled as such. Illustrations must be numbered consecutively and cited in the text.
Because SIMODS is an all-electronic publication, the use of color figures or any other multimedia material enhancing the core paper and the supplementary materials is encouraged. Color will appear in the all-electronic publication at no cost to the authors.
Keywords and AMS Subject Classifications
Keywords and AMS subject classifications must accompany all articles. A list of the subject classifications can be accessed in the Annual Index of Mathematical Reviews.
References should appear at the end of the manuscript. It is recommended that authors use the bibliography style distributed with the SIAM LaTeX macros. Allowed variations and further instructions can be found in the SIAM Style Manual for Journals and Books.
Page Limit Policies
SIMODS encourages brevity, with a suggested maximum length of 20 pages. Longer papers are published only in exceptional cases. In such cases, the editor and referees must be convinced that the length of the paper is both required by the subject matter and justified by the paper’s quality.
Supplementary Materials
Supplementary materials are welcome but will not be reviewed. Examples include details of computational experiments (pointers to code and data repositories, scripts to recreate experiments, parameters of experiments), additional figures and tables, and multimedia information such as movies.
For more information, see SIAM’s instructions for supplementary materials.
Part III: Manuscript Submission & Publication
See also Ethical Policies and Manuscript Preparation.
SIAM is a member of ORCID, a central registry of researchers. Authors submitting papers to SIAM journals log on to the submission system through their ORCID account. (If you already have a SIAM account, go to your profile to connect your ORCID.) For published papers, SIAM Journals Online will display an icon next to the author’s name which links to their ORCID page.
For further information, see SIAM Information on ORCID
Submission System
Send your work to SIMODS at
Note that all articles must be in PDF format at submission and that submissions will not be accepted by contacting the editors directly.
Publication Fees
There is no fee to authors to publish with SIAM, but SIAM does charge a journal subscription fee to libraries and individuals. For a fee, accepted papers can be published as open access in which case they will be freely available to all.
For more information, see SIAM’s Open Access Policy.