Manuscript Submission
The journal Theory of Probability and Its Applications accepts original articles and communications on the theory of probability, general problems of mathematical statistics, and applications of the theory of probability to natural science and technology. Articles of the latter type will be accepted only if the mathematical methods applied are essentially new. Articles exceeding 25 printed pages will be accepted as exceptions, by special approval of the Editorial Board only. The Editorial Office may request that authors provide translations of their papers into Russian or to translate these independently and to publish the articles in Russian.
Papers submitted for publication in the section Short Communications must contain no more than 12 printed pages. A short paper to be communicated by a member of the Editorial Board should not exceed 6 printed pages.
Manuscripts may be submitted as LaTeX files and sent to [email protected]. If LaTeX files are not available, authors may mail one hardcopy of their manuscript signed by all authors and labeled "for publication" to the following address:
Gubkin Street 8
119991 Moscow
Authors should be aware that normally galley proofs will not be sent to authors.