Sponsored by SIAM Activity Group on Algebraic Geometry.

All sessions will be held at North Carolina State University in Riddick and Withers Halls (Building 39 and 43 on the North Campus map).  Please link the following back to campus map  http://www.ncsu.edu/campus_map/north.htm.

Parking at North Carolina State University
Campus visitors (including workshop, seminar attendees, and conference attendees) are charged $2 per day to park on campus. Permits may be purchased at the Visitor Information Booths located on Katharine Stinson Drive.  A parking permit will be required on Thursday, October 6 and Friday, October 7.  No permit is required to park on campus Saturday or Sunday.

Visitor permits are not valid in pay lots. If you park in a pay lot, you will be charged the pay lot rate; $2 first hour, $2 each additional hour or $10 per day.

Please visit http://www2.acs.ncsu.edu/trans/visitors/index.html for any additional information regarding parking or to view a campus map [PDF, 887KB].

Restaurant Map
The local organizers have prepared a google map of some Raleigh area restaurants.  To view, please click here.



A Facebook link to RSVP to the conference, connect with other attendees and find roommates will be posted here in July 2011.

If you are tweeting about the conference, please use the designated hashtag to enable other attendees to keep up with the Twitter conversation and to allow better archiving of our conference discussions.  The hashtag for this meeting is #SIAMAG11.

Plenary Speakers

Stephen Fienberg, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Robert W. Ghrist, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Leonid Gurvits, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Tanja Lange, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
Tom Lyche, University of Oslo, Norway
Robert D. MacPherson, Institute for Advanced Study, USA
Bernd Sturmfels, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Lihong Zhi, Academia Sinica, China

Organizing Committee

Conference Co-Chairs
Dan Bates, Colorado State University, USA
Frank Sottile, Texas A & M University, USA

Program Committee
Elizabeth Allman, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Gunnar Carlsson, Stanford University, USA
Tor Dokken, SINTEF Group, Norway
Erich Kaltofen, North Carolina State University, USA
Jean B. Lasserre, LAAS-CNRS and Institute of Mathematics, Toulouse, France
Kristin Lauter, Microsoft Research, USA

Local Organizing Committee
Seth Sullivant, Chair, North Carolina State University, USA
Erich Kaltofen, North Carolina State University, USA
Irina Kogan, North Carolina State University, USA
Michael Singer, North Carolina State University, USA
Agnes Szanto, North Carolina State University, USA


The purpose of the SIAM Activity Group in Algebraic Geometry is to bring together researchers who use algebraic geometry in industrial and applied mathematics. "Algebraic geometry" is interpreted broadly to include at least: algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, noncommutative algebra, symbolic and numeric computation, algebraic and geometric combinatorics, representation theory, and algebraic topology.

These methods have already seen applications in: biology, coding theory, cryptography, combustion, computational geometry, computer graphics, quantum computing, control theory, geometric design, complexity theory, machine learning, nonlinear partial differential equations, optimization, robotics, and statistics.

We welcome participation from both theoretical mathematical areas and application areas not on this list which fall under this broadly interpreted notion of algebraic geometry and its applications.

The SIAG organizes biennial meetings (the first will be in 2011) and minisymposia at the SIAM annual meeting.

Funding Agency


SIAM and the Conference Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation, the National Security Agency, and the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications for their support of this conference.


Applications of algebraic geometry and related fields to biology

Relying on methods and results from algebraic geometry

Important Deadlines

DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MARCH 14, 2011 March 7, 2011:  Minisymposium proposals
April 6, 2011:  Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers

March 21, 2011: SIAM Student Travel Award and Early Career Travel Award Applications

September 8, 2011 Disconnect time is 4:00 PM EDT

Hotel Reservation information is now available.

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