Travel Support

Student Travel Awards for SODA13

Thanks to grants from IBM Research and Microsoft Corporation, students who plan to attend SODA13, ALENEX13, or ANALCO13 may apply for travel support in the amount of $650 plus free registration.


Any full-time student in good standing is eligible to receive an award. Top priority will be given to students presenting papers at the symposium or workshops, with second priority to students who are co-authors of papers. Ties will be broken in favor of students who have not attended a prior SODA.
An application for a travel award must include:

  1. A statement requesting the travel award and providing the rationale for the request and explaining your interest in attending the conference. If you are giving a presentation at the conference, include the title of your presentation and the name(s) and affiliation(s) of your co-authors.  Include a summary of expected expenses and any sources and amounts of other travel support.
  2. A current curriculum vitae (CV) that includes your contact information, the expected date (month/year) of the award of your PhD, the institution awarding your PhD, and your advisor's name, and other relevant information including recent publications. In addition, you may provide a URL for a working Web page that expands on the information in your CV.
  3. The name and email address of your advisor who should be asked to provide a letter of support for your application and any special circumstances. We will send a separate e-mail requesting the letter from your advisor. The e-mail will include instructions on how to submit the letter. You will not be able to directly upload the letter of support as part of the application process.

All submissions must be in pdf format.



Complete applications must be received at the SIAM office no later than December 10, 2012. Winners will be selected and notified by December 21, 2012.
Travel awardees will be reimbursed for travel expenses on submission of a travel expense report. Expense forms will be sent to awardees on notification (by e-mail) of the award. Expense forms may also be picked up at the conference registration desk.



To submit an application for travel support to a conference, go to, and follow the instructions.



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