Travel Support
SIAM Student Travel Awards and NSF-funded Early Career Attendees support.
Application Deadline: December 19, 2014 extended to January 15, 2015
Please note: Submitting your poster or paper for your participation in the conference program is a separate process from applying for a SIAM Student Travel Award. Applying for a travel award does NOT submit your paper.
To submit your paper, click on the "Submissions" link at the webpage of the conference in which you plan to participate.
New: Travel Awards to the 2015 SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS15) for Graduate Students from Universities in Canada.
The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS, is sponsoring travel awards for graduate students at Canadian universities to attend the 2015 SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences (Stanford University, June 29-July 2).
The maximum amount of the award is 750 $CAD per individual and will cover the travel costs to GS15. Travel costs will be reimbursed after submission of an expense report and other relevant documents to PIMS.
In order to apply for PIMS travel award, a you must submit a CV, a letter of intent including, if relevant, the title of a presentation you will give at GS15, and a letter of recommendation from your graduate advisor. All documents must be in pdf format.
To submit an application for a PIMS travel grant to GS15, go to and follow the instructions. The deadline for application is April 30, 2015. (New: THE DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO MAY 5). Announcement of awards will be made by PIMS by May 20, 2015.
A sponsored participant will have to register for the conference (see here for the registration fees) and is responsible for making the travel and accommodation arrangements.